DIY: Simple iv-like-drip-system; without having to work at a hospital


Well-Known Member
Quite simple, I just pulled the idea out of my ass this morning. I'm off on vacation this Friday for a week and some odd days. So with that said I needed to get my plants its water!

This are(is) your reservoir(s):
Attach aquarium tubes to your reservoir(s) with waterproof sealant. I used 1/4 inch tubes and super glue, similar to model glue.

At other end stuff cotton balls, and I mean STUFF the hell out of the tubing so that the tube actually gets a little bigger. This prevents water from dripping on its own. You'll see what I mean. And leave about a CM of fluffy cotton sticking out.

Plant the tube end with cotton half way down the pot.

Enjoy. Testing it out right now. Works like a charm, plants are perfectly watered.

Thought I'd share the information.

EDIT: Then again, you can just loosely stuff the tube and use it as a regular drip system.



New Member
I have to say, WOW, it's like an actually soil/hydro hybrid
but I'm curious, since the soil will probably never go dry, how good is root development?

your on a roll! keep thinkin!


Well-Known Member
word looks kinda ghetto(not knocking, cause its a great idea). how many time s a say do u water? i would only once for like 5 seconds at most. thats just me tho since ur in soil. i grow hydro so what do i know about soil.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I know clear cups are bad but these are clones, so the roots are covered by the tape, lifted them out this week, looked great! I'm too lazy to get party cups :D

I'm not quiet sure how much it waters a day, I would say roughly 100-150 ml a day.
The thing is, it doesnt freely drip, the cotton just allows the water to freely move, if its touching something dry, so it just keeps the soil moist, not drench it.

I know its ghetto, but I'm an a DIYer, you should see my lighting setup, hahaha!



Well-Known Member
i wasnt trying to knock on you man, i diy'ed my ebb and flow hydro setup in my veg box and it works flawlessly. just make sure ur not overwatering, could be very easy with that system.