born2kill, I was under the same assumption that hydrogen is just too expensive to create, unless you are using some means earthly means to generate electricity in the first place...which why wouldn't you just use the raw form rather than hyrdogen.
BINGO! You get a cookie.. Unless the energy will otherwise go to oblivion, or you need a sweet gas that burns way too hot, FUCK IT..

The trick to making HHO economically feasible is being able to hide pre-charged batteries..

Back about 110 years ago Tesla actually demonstrated a proof of concept for wireless power transmission.. Too bad Edison and JP Morgan (The rich & evil fucks of history) squashed it because it couldn't be metered..
His sky capacitor is based on harvesting static electricity from the sky.. Damned cool, and fun to play with, google it..
Another fun one to play with is his turbine! But be careful.. It can get going too fast, and blow up in your face..
Yet another is his resonant shaker/earthquake machine, or whatever common terminology is.. Mythbusters tried it and didn't do it justice as usual..
Tesla is at the top of my all time great list.. I'm pretty confident he knew things we still don't understand.. Too bad he was so secretive, but it wouldn't surprise me if more is gleaned from his existing notes in the future..
And you're right, there is no fighting fossil fuels right now, thats for sure.. When something surpasses their productivity, I'll shut up.. It boils down to KISS.. And for the record, I love trees, thats why I live in a place with so many..

I grew up in the bush.. I didn't even have hydro, or plumbing until I was 15.. Just alots of car batteries, and fossil fuel burning generators..
And ya know, Stephen Hawking was actually relevent to science back in the day.. Who knew he'd die before he dropped dead..