DIY with Quantum Boards


The only reason they don't sell Diablo boards is because if you wire it backward the reds blow out, they can't warranty them, it would break em. If you want to buy Diablo or even 288 boards id check there are other resellers as well but that's who I've used in the past always got what I ordered
Thanks for the update. It's been awhile, but I really enjoyed building my own rig and might hopefully build another in the future.

Rocket Soul

Well-Known Member
Who is the guru? Is it possible to have 6 Qb96 over a 2x4? 320 54v? What would that look like? Thanks
Its a bit pointless though. Qb96 is a board made for high watts and have chunky heatsinks. There arent that much efficiency benefits in running it soft as the midpower boards.