Dj short bluberry 430w. (pics)


Active Member
Doing my first grow of DJ Short's infamous blueberry. I am going to be doing the vegging in my room and flowering using the sea of green method at my buddy's spot under a 600W HPS. I am using FoxFarm Ocean Soil and FoxFarm Grow Big nutrients. I had a few questions as far as the veg process goes. I am using only half the recommended dosage of nutrients that FoxFarm says to use on the bottle. I have the temperature pretty stable between 75-80 degrees. The temp usually stays at about 77.8 degrees. I have a question about the distance between my plants and the light. The light is about 21 inches from the plants. Is that too high? Should the light be closer to the plants? Any advice would be appreciated.



Active Member
lookin nice up 2 now glosseyeyes, with the light distance its hard to say just by lookin at them, if you stick your hand over the top ov your youngsters and leave it there for a min and if your hand doesnt feel comfortable then neither will your plants. looks to me like youve got it bang on, lookin nice and healthy!!!