DJ Short Blueberry Grow by Snafu (all organic)


Well-Known Member
Grow Journal
DJ Short Blueberry

01/08/12 Summary

***This grow is updated every Sunday***

  • 5 DJ Short Blueberry Plants sprouted from seed on 10/30/11; Today is Day 69 from seed

  • 3 Confirmed Females; 2 Males Culled

  • Flower Day 8

  • All Organic; Multiple growing methods

01/08/12 Notes

Since I updated just a few days ago, I decided to not update today with new pictures. However, I do wish to catalog the female plants thus far as a "Review Update", because I just noticed this thread is getting over 12+ pages without a single blueberry bud shot:) However, this should show beginners that Cannabis growing is an art form and not a race.

Blueberry #2
(Seedling Stage and Topping)

Vegetative Stage

Flowering Stage


Blueberry #4
(Seedling Stage)

Vegetative Stage

Flowering Stage


Blueberry #5
(Seedling Stage)

Vegetative Stage

Flowering Stage

Hopefully we'll begin to see some bud formation beginning soon, hopefully in time for a 'prettier' update next week!


Well-Known Member
Can't wait for your little ones to start flowering :) Looking forward to seeing the differences between my old blueberry and the blueberry you got from seed. Subbed and ready to roll.
Hello Snafu, I have a question why do you wait till Veg befor you add your tea would it not be better to start your colonies befor Veg to get everything ready for Veg? I am going to do my first real grow this year starting with outdoor and then indoor. I am moving this weekend outdoor will be easyer to start and then I can start getting everything together for indoor mainly lights. Thanks G.D.:grin:


Well-Known Member
Hello Snafu, I have a question why do you wait till Veg befor you add your tea would it not be better to start your colonies befor Veg to get everything ready for Veg? I am going to do my first real grow this year starting with outdoor and then indoor. I am moving this weekend outdoor will be easyer to start and then I can start getting everything together for indoor mainly lights. Thanks G.D.:grin:
Good question! I don't really wait(on purpose anyways), AACTs's can be applied anytime. However, I do a manual innoculation during seed germination/clone cutting as well as each time transplanting. I manually innoculate by literally dusting the seed, cutting or transplant's roots for each respective process. I do this mainly, because:

1. Fungus grows slower than bacteria. I want to bump up my fungi herd in advance of bacterial innoculants or AACTs. (Most AACTS are bacteria-dominated)
2. I ensure 100% Mycorrhizal spore contact with the root system, and a massive innoculation if manually done by dusting. (AACTS are massive innoculants as well, but they are typically heavier on bacteria).
3. Teas are messy, require mixing and you must wash every item quite well after each use, which I find annoying(I am an organic gardener who tries and keeps it simple).

That's about it. But of course you can brew a tea and use it soon after the sprout breaks soil. I would use very, very small amounts and ensure it is diluted well. For me, my process is easier, less messy, and I ensure a strong, viable and massive mycorrhizal microherd. Then I beef everything up in veg. But, mind you, I do vegetatively grow them out until they are sexually mature(which alot of growers do not), and often this takes 2 months or more. 2 months is more than enough time to build a bacterial microherd, but I prefer about 3 months for a proper fungal herd).


Well-Known Member
Wow, I feel as though I just got schooled in botany. I will be dissecting your last comment for the next few hours! Cheers Snafu
Thanks for the responce Snafu I will be doing my first grow soon and I am checking out every bit of info that I can get my hands on. I am hoping to get everything right the first time. I am doing all the research that I can about soil, teas, lights ect so I can make this a good first time with very few problems (I HOPE) Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
Hello I am not sure if you have metioned how the Azos has rooted for you? I have Mykos and Azos at my disposal and was curious how they did for you. I am currently using rapid start with rootech.


Well-Known Member
I can not believe it took me this long to get over here and catch up on your work Snafu.
Thank you so much for the detailed, well explained journal here. I am learning a lot! Although my life is a little super busy and I may not comment much, you can be assured I am here reading and absorbing your information and sending many thanks your way. :mrgreen:
Take care- bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
That's terrible news. It's probably too late, but for future prevention apple cider vinegar is supposed to help with stones. Bragg's is the best, but being that this is an organic thread, I'm sure I don't have to tell you that. I actually take the stuff for heartburn from time to time... 2 tablespoons ACV to 2 tablespoons fresh apple juice. I keep both in the fridge (goes down easier that way). That alone got me off some godforsaken pills my doctor put me on. I hope it helps you, too. :peace:

p.s. ACV is great for a laundry list of other things, btw. Helps lose weight, INSOMNIA (Med, you hear that?), and more. K, I'm done now. Feel better, fella! :weed:


Well-Known Member
Sending some love man, stones are not fun, I know from experience. Hope they can destroy those little shits with the bath, cause the other way out is none too pretty.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. My health is tough right now. Plants are suffering a little bit, but i should be able to pull them through. Thanks for the support. Cant update, bedrest only.