dj short f-13. Looks ready 2 whole weeks before estimated harvest date. WTF???


Well-Known Member
Checked the trichomes after looking at my plant and realizing that most of the hairs have discolored. Honestly, and despite being colorblind, the glands seemed to have swollen ripe cloudy heads mostly and some clear. I'll be getting a second opinion on this in a little bit but I'd appreciate if you guys would give your opinion on wether this shit looks ready or should I let it go the extra2 weeks.



Active Member
looks good. the hairs (pistils) are not much of an indicator - the trichomes are. you would need more of a close-up to say for sure, but at a glance they look early.
from looking, i get the idea that a flushing might be what the doctor prescribed. have you tried?
sometimes the plant responds favorably to that, and rewards you with increased bud-growth - including new white pistils.
in that case, you still have a few more weeks - happy grow.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I was starting the flush after the next feeding. I'll let it go but I do like my trichomes mostly cloudy and some clear.


looks fine to me bro.... looks like its starting its last weeks... let her go man, looks great!