
Well-Known Member
i bought the dm reverse plus the saturater to try on some ch9 afghani milk, that has been handled kinda rough and my og18 mutant keeper.

4 week of flower and 1 of the afghanis has nuts everywhere. i sprayed 2 days into flower and again 10 days later as per there instructions. was speaking to someone and they tried to assure me that any pollen produced would be streile. after removing pods and inspecting them, theres definetley pollen there viable or not.

just wondering if anyone else has had this problem with dutch masters reverse. was looking forward to not checking, but im real glad that i did now. on the plus side the ones that didint hermie are looking real good . :-( go fuck yourselves dutchmasters. dutch cunts more like


Well-Known Member
I had a customer just use it and said it worked great, he said all the nanners were drying up after he sprayed.
if he has nannas it did not work, its allready hermied. at least by definition. no offence but a grow shop endorsing a product that dosent work isnt uncommon, let me guess, you got a storeroom full of it.
if he has nannas it did not work, its allready hermied. at least by definition. no offence but a grow shop endorsing a product that dosent work isnt uncommon, let me guess, you got a storeroom full of it.
Well, just goes to show, you don't know shit, My customer is my partner and he requested it, I bought a case and then told him to use a drop of dishsoap instead of having to use the saturator,ALSO, how would you know it was a hermie unless it dropped some nanners?
and he reported that it worked for him, SO how is it to late?


Well-Known Member
im not getting in to an argument about this. if the stuff worked i would report it so, but it didnt , so here i am. so this customer is in fact your partner. is that your business partner by any chance ???
im not getting in to an argument about this. if the stuff worked i would report it so, but it didnt , so here i am. so this customer is in fact your partner. is that your business partner by any chance ???
that matters none, I have customers that report the stuff works, Maybe you did something wrong, maybe it was to late for it to work for you, maybe your strain is resistant to it. 1 person on the internet does not a fact make.


Well-Known Member
no, you are right, its not a fact , but in my scenario it is a FACT. do some reading around and i think you'll find theres quite a few people it didnt work for. i used it as instructed by dutch masters, so dont try pulling that shit out of your ass. on the other side there are people that swear by it. but from my experience im not one of them. maybe my strain is resistant to it, but i dont really beleive that, and i think people reading this wont either. im giving an unbiased opinion on this, but because you own/run a growshop can not do the same... thaks for your reply anyway.... just to clarify DOES NOT WORK, unless your a victorygardenhydro customer


Active Member
I used it on a big bang that threw out nanners 1-2 weeks into 12/12 and I promise you it worked and had buds with not one sign of hermie and all the clones I took didn't either. Also I have cut down 3 plants now clones and original plant with not a single seed or nanner. Just sayin for proof that it can work, I don't know why it didn't work out with yours but I drenched it 2 separate times and was all it took.


Well-Known Member
Reverse does NOT work in the face of ongoing stress, or on true hermies. If your plants developed male parts because of stress, and you have corrected that stress (light leaks, heat) then reverse works.