DMT and Salvia


Active Member
I am very experienced in tripping on shrooms and LSD. I have done Salvia. I have never done DMT.

Salvia put me in a completely different place and time.
I don't like Salvia because it doesn't seem to me to have the mind-expanding properties of LSD and shrooms. It is just nothingness to me, and there is little point for me to do it.

I know that DMT seems to go even further. A DMT trip is not nothingness.

My questions are for those who have done both.

Can you compare/contrast the two?
Which do you prefer and why?
Does DMT have the feel of an indole derivative like LSD and shrooms?
DMT is another planet. I'm sure you plan on smoking the freebase form. It's the easiest way to extract for the home enthusiast. Salvia also gets a thumbs down from me. I love some clean LSD or shrooms on occasion. Smoking DMT is in no way familiar. LSD and shrooms come on slowly, have a peak, and can have some serious legs in terms of duration. DMT will last about 15 - 25 minutes after smoked. There is no ramp up to the trip.

It is smoke til the Universe's fabric rips, and you get to see the 4th dimension. Sometimes you can interact in this dimension, often times it is a knowledge and information onslaught from everything. Each experience can be vastly different, yet similar. It is colorful, you may or may not see being(s). I've watched walls disappear, vertical blinds switch and twist shut as they spin like they are going down a toilet, then you realize that the blinds are your transportation as you travel through layers of the universe that you didn't know existed. I've seen female god-like forms that were both beautiful and terrifying. I've seen her more than once, she has 4 breast. I've heard "elf-like" creatures telling me things, but never seen them.

DMT is some crazy shit! It takes a few times smoking it to get the hang of it. Once you get it right, you might be leary of trying it again. Do it, it is fun. Good bud will blunt the psychedelic properties. Don't be drunk or on other drugs. You get an initial blood pressure spike that is perceptible at below trip levels. Don't do other drugs that increase heart rate or blood pressure. It's not particulary pleasant to be aware of this spike. Remember keep smoking until you are no longer in the here and now (you will neither know or care what your blood pressure is). Have a babysitter! Nothing like setting a hot glass piece on your lap with a lighter still lit while you're off in Wonderland. I've had bad experiences when I thought I might be dead and was just becoming aware of it. Most of the time it is very pleasant, but some really weird shit can go down.

I like to smoke a little, and have a notebook ready to chronicle anything once I'm able. You will definitely want a little herb for after. This stuff is a total dissociative that really enables the user to lose themselves. I enjoy it, although I have access I haven't smoked any in a year or so. Your question is really hard to answer, but I did my best to describe that which is trully best understood from experience. Goodluck with your endeavors. Be safe in the kitchen if you are extracting this at home. The simplest extraction method I've found is with a strong base (lye) for basification, and extraction with naphtha. Peace...PDC


Well-Known Member
Salvia is nothing compared to DMT. They are both short trips, but DMT will take you out of your fucking mind, and then safely back where you where a couple minutes before you took it. I highly recommend it over Salvia, it is also a lot less harmful to the lungs than Salvia is. DMT is serious stuff, though, don't take it lightly. Bad trips rarely happen, but since the trip is so intense it can get ugly. Have a sitter first time you try it since by the time you come down, you'll be ready to sit your friend while he takes it. Salvia may make you feel "dissalusioned" and "out of it" and you may see colors and whatnot, but DMT is in-fucking-insane.