DMT extract? Same as Mesculin?


Well-Known Member
On my first attempt to extract, i eneded up with DMT in crystal form, but was unable to separate that from the naptha, I attempted and failed and refroze it and failed again. So since then i have read to allow 90% of the naptha to evaportate off before freezing. I have also obtained a nice digital PH meter, some legit lab experience, and POSSIBLE access to lab equipment and pure lab grade chemicals (although i do not think i will use this source, considering i would be stealing or "borrowing" from work, which i really dont think i will attempt)
So first question, does the evaporating the naptha method work?

Second question, a good source of pure lab grade sodium hydroxide? (last time i used oven cleaner, just not sure if thats 100%, do not want any unwanted impurities)

Also would like some recommendations for lab equipment(certain beakers or flasks?), and a source, i have found sources just not sure if they will sell to public

And last, (maybe) would a good a/b extraction work on mescalin as well?

If I am doing something wrong asking these questions, or you just feel uncomfortable answering, just ignore me and delete my post or whatever you wish.

This time I will defiantly take your advice in trying a caffeine extraction first, was just very anxious and excited last time.


Well-Known Member
Ebay..and unless you can spell the substance right,don't try to extract it(I'm being funny..I can spell but can't type)..for real tho..know exactly what ur doing before you do it..period..the chemicals used can make for a bad time handled improperly..please regard this info,it may save your life,or at least health...


Well-Known Member
Ebay..and unless you can spell the substance right,don't try to extract it(I'm being funny..I can spell but can't type)..for real tho..know exactly what ur doing before you do it..period..the chemicals used can make for a bad time handled improperly..please regard this info,it may save your life,or at least health...
Well, if you are into slightly spicy, bitter greens, mesclun is great in your salad, a little vinegarette, some herbs, and perhaps a sprinkle of fresh grated parmisan.


Well-Known Member
Lol yeah i think i spelled it a few different ways in this thread. I have read ducks thread on safety and i have chemical PPE and going to use ventilation from my grow room. This is not something i plan to do soon (especially the mescalin, I was just curious about that, the dmt is my main focus, but still not planning this soon). Dont have what i consider a good place for this. I just want to have the equipment, and the knowledge to do this. Like i said i have done this once before just had problems with the separation from naptha. I plan to do a caffeine extraction first, that was ducks suggestion. The main reason I posted this was to make sure I do it right and safely, with the proper equipment. Like i said i have the safety equipment. Just not the lab equipment. Basically all glass equipment is what i would like, no rubber, no corks. (which was included in some of the teks i read.) And i will search ebay, so thanks roy for the source, and for pointing out that im an idiot. lol
any input on the oven cleaner?


Well-Known Member
Hahaha...I just hosted a dinner with the greens as a in duck..he knows the way young jedi...


Well-Known Member
Btw!!..i'm in line at interlocken!!!!...any riu member look for the riu member meet fri at 2pm!!!!