DMT Extraction


Well-Known Member
Ok, So I have ordered Mimosa Hostillis root powder. Looking at doing the marsofold extraction. Just want to make sure the ingredients im using are safe.First of all, the sodium hydroxide, I will be making on my own lye. Found it really hard to find without a problem, so using an electro-chemical proccess that uses pure salt, gelatin, and a battery. The other thing that the recipe wasnt spacific on was the ammonium hydroxide. It calls for "NON-SOAPY clear ammonium hydroxide". None of the bottles just came out and said that. It wasnt clear where to find it or which brand to use, I found several things that contain ammonium hydroxide. I just dont know what else they contain and if they are ok for this extraction. I found something that also 2-butoxyethanol. Is that ok? If not I will take suggestions. I can also site the extraction methods, wasnt sure if that was ok.


Well-Known Member
You're right about ace hardware. I was going to say that but wasn't sure if that was just a local shop. they have all the goods. the people working there always give me funny looks i hate having to go there.


Well-Known Member
Thank you mreduck I was hoping you would respond. When looking for lye I found many people saying that it is watched and that the govt. adds chemicals to it to prevent people from using it for making meth. Any particular brand of oven cleaner? I am using the ventilation and filter from my old grow room. As for the ammonia i found several things that had ammonia in them, i did shake a few, I wasnt sure about it so im here. Ill check out ace again for the ammonia, and Ill read your thread now. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
No worries man. Lye is a watched chemical, but only in large quantities. When a chemical is put on the watch list a reporting threshold is determined based on what you can make with it, and how often it is used for legit purposes. For example ergotamine and NPP both have reporting thresholds of 1g. Because you can't do much with them besides making LSD or fentanyl, which are extremely potent drugs. I'm not sure what the threshold is for lye but it allows for you to buy a reasonable quantity because it's used for shin like cleaning ovens. You can even get a permit to have more of it because you use it for a legit purpose like making soap.


Well-Known Member
Well i already have the stuff to make the lye. I just dont want to be seen ordering Mimosa root powder and lye. Thanks, I read your thread, very nice, think ill read it atleast once more before I begin. Should I try to extract caffine using the same meathod? If so, what will it look like when finished, and are there benefits to doing so other then experiance? Experiance is enough to convince me, just want to know, not a fan of caffine, how would you consume the caffine after finished with it? Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
It's a white powder. Other than experience I can't think of a benefit to it. Caffeine is available as pills if drinking coffee or energy drinks doesn't do it for you. I'd just buy lye, I'm not familiar with the electrochemical synth of it but it is really nasty stuff.