DMT in vapejuice

Oh good lord, I could only imagine. How did you hang on? I'm afraid I will stop breathing or something. Don't want to leave my wife. Have people died from this stuff? Or from mixing pharm?
Don’t take DMT if you are on SSRI medication. High risk of Serotonin Coma and death
Oh good lord, I could only imagine. How did you hang on? I'm afraid I will stop breathing or something. Don't want to leave my wife. Have people died from this stuff? Or from mixing pharm?
Was sitting so didnt have to pretend to be in control and just let the 5 min in another demension happen...untill it was too much and i closed my eyes to see crazy fracral ribbon going every where
Was sitting so didnt have to pretend to be in control and just let the 5 min in another demension happen...untill it was too much and i closed my eyes to see crazy fracral ribbon going every where
But that is alot of substance. Fractal ribbon is all you remember? Hell, could see that, open eyed on a 20th of that much and I would make damn sure I was seated safely. Idk man, guess I'm just not ready for the unknown at this point of my life. Not today anyway, lol.
But that is alot of substance. Fractal ribbon is all you remember? Hell, could see that, open eyed on a 20th of that much and I would make damn sure I was seated safely. Idk man, guess I'm just not ready for the unknown at this point of my life. Not today anyway, lol.
Oh the real world hallucinatons can hardly be explained
But i def decended into a different place, room turned into a grid of blocks and then started flipping over like dominoes cascading across the room
Oh the real world hallucinatons can hardly be explained
But i def decended into a different place, room turned into a grid of blocks and then started flipping over like dominoes cascading across the room
I've had my body pulled into that grid of blocks.

I always felt like I was on a roulette table.
Oh the real world hallucinatons can hardly be explained
But i def decended into a different place, room turned into a grid of blocks and then started flipping over like dominoes cascading across the room
Letting go.....I guess I have moments where I can't understand this, and in them is a place where I live mostly. But glad this can be there when I'm ready. I don't take ssri's so I have that going for me