Dmt + Shrooms


Ok so was wondering if anyone has any experience with dmt especially in how to smoke it.

Ive had a quarter of shrooms for a cpl months now and have just been waiting on the right time since my friend who I used to take them with quit. But hes willing to baby sit so not all bad.

Well ive come across some dmt and decided to get some because ive heard great things. Ive also heard how great it is at the peak of a shroom trip.

This will be my first time with dmt. Tripped shrooms plenty of times.

My question really is what's a good way to smoke it ill get either 100 or 200 mg.

I have a 1.5ft bong that I plan to use. I have extra bowls ive heard it makes the peice taste bad. Plan on doing the sandwich method. Im pretty good at melting hash on my bowls so I think I should be ok with the dmt.

I also have a da buddah vaporizer but not sure if it will work plus no extra whip. Not looking to buy a peice especially for dmt yet.

Any advise is welcome.


Well-Known Member
I would definitely smoke it sitting down lol the first time I smoked DMT I was barely able to set the pipe down after I took the first hit haha. Im thinking if you only have 200mg I would top it on a small bowl of mj. It burns really fast so don't roast it all at once. Lightly flicker it with the lighter and inhale slow and deeply and hold it in. Sit back and venture into the abyss. Safe and happy travels to you :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
If you have never had DMT, I would certainly try it by itself before mixiing it with mushrooms.


Ya just getting some to try it. I figured 200 mg is a few blasts ill make my own next time.

Thinking topping off a small bowl will be best. Im looking forward to it. Been reading trip reports. Im really hoping to experience a break through. Im thinking with the combo of shrooms it should be great. Might do a sample hit of dmt a night or two before the main trip


Well-Known Member
I am not certain but I think the vapor is flamable. If that is the case, you are best off with a glass pipe or a vaporizor rather than sprinkling it over a bowl of weed. Besides, if you only have a fraction of a gram, you want to be able to manage it better.
burning DMT destroys the precious molecule, You want to vaporize it, First time i did it was pretty intense and i definitely encountered some machine elves, pretty trippy


Well-Known Member
I just hope the mushrooms are still dad kept shrooms for 3 months in his desk and when he ate some he got nothing from them..they were great when he first got em..good luck with the fractal mess..


Ive heard more than a few people talk about the elves lol.

I was wondering about the shrooms and how long they last. They were good when I got them. I assume most dried shrooms are pretty old unless you know the grower.

I think I should be able to vaporize the dmt on top of a bowl if its similar to melting hash without burning it. Love to make my bho melt into the bowl before I rip it.

One question is how much should I put in the bowl. I plan on doing one big hit and cashing it out if possible. Been smoking big bongs for a long time


Well-Known Member
Best method ime is using a meth pipe.

But if you are not familiar on how not to burn it you'll be better off making the machine.

On a side note a drop some acid and smoked what little DMT I had when I was peaking on the cid.

Needless to say I was "blown away".


Well-Known Member
This may sound fucked up lol but you basically smoke DMT like a glass pipe. No direct flame to it.


Well-Known Member
Best method ime is using a meth pipe.

But if you are not familiar on how not to burn it you'll be better off making the machine.

On a side note a drop some acid and smoked what little DMT I had when I was peaking on the cid.

Needless to say I was "blown away".

That is how we did it, way back when the only way you could get DMT was on parsley flakes. It wasn't so much the compound effect althought that was pretty intense, it was the fact that you came down to a still very high place - sort of disorienting if you did it while peaking, but strangely comforting at the back end of a trip - it made your being still high on acid familiar, comfortable sort of, like arriving home after a very long trip to a foreign land.

We used to call it base camping. Always came away with headaches the next day though.


Well-Known Member
It's like when you come back down from dmt, you are still reaaaly far out there, but you feel completely back. Love it.


Well-Known Member
Dmt n shrooms my favorite combo, although I did mescaline for the first time the other day and I'm sure that would be pretty kick ass with dmt


Well-Known Member
Dmt n shrooms my favorite combo, although I did mescaline for the first time the other day and I'm sure that would be pretty kick ass with dmt
I am not sure I would ever defile mescaline with DMT. Seems like it is insulting. I know that if you did it with DMT, and the mushroom didn't like it, you would simply be punished. Mescalito is a far more forgiving entity, cuddling you as it does (not to say you can't make it angry, but if you do, you are shown in far different ways, mescaline rarely digs into your own conciousness in order to reveal your own horrors to you, it has other ways).

I suppose DMT with cactus would be more akin to MDMA and DMT - it just doesn't seem like a valid mix.

I could well be wrong however.


Well-Known Member
Your probably right, I didnt have as large a dose i would like, that jo swim kinda botched the 3 step citrate extraction tek, or the cactus wasn't that potent in he first place..will have to try again either way, maybe just do tea next time


Well-Known Member
in my opinion, mescaline is the cadillac of all hallucinogens. I beats LSD hands down for comfort, to say nothing of mushrooms, which are a challenge, no matter what anyone says. I just think that this cadillac should be driven alone, without even pot as an influence.

Damn, I am getting prett whacked by this combination. and THAT is pretty rare.


Well-Known Member
I've always hated that saying. Not a Caddy fan at all.

If you can melt hash w/o burning it you can definitely smoke deems. It's still wasteful though. If you're willing to get a throwaway slide for the bong why not just get a cheap ass meth pipe?


Well I have extra bowls sitting around I dont use. I think ill go down to the shop and get a dope pipe. Kinda weird for me. I know a lot of people who do meth and I cant stand it.