DMT Theory, Extremely Scary!


Active Member
Glad we got the hostility out of the air. :)
I reccon OBE and lucid dreams are much more accessable after the "door" has been opened a few times.
Its like your brain learns a new set of tricks... shit I can't even take MDMA anymore without halucinating the most beautifull geometry.
I didn't feel there was any hostility, it was just an aggressive discussion IMO. I agree though, it's probably easier to lucid dream once you have opened that "door". DMT might enhance your dreams too, it makes sense.


Active Member
Haha! never mind, I just remembered that it has happened to me.. I realized I was dreaming, but I still didn't wake up, and I didn't know why, it was awesome but that was only once, and I take melatonin regularly! lol


Active Member
Haha! never mind, I just remembered that it has happened to me.. I realized I was dreaming, but I still didn't wake up, and I didn't know why, it was awesome but that was only once, and I take melatonin regularly! lol
Just follow the steps in the video. +rep is appreciated.


Well-Known Member
If you want interesting dreams, eat a little salvia before going to bed. I'm not talking about quiding....
I dream alot every night, and I am almost always aware that I'm dreaming.


Well-Known Member
DMT is indeed formed in other organs, like for instance the lungs.
I think what many people misinterpret is that highest concentration of precursors to DMT, are found in the pineal gland.
However I would say based on experience, it has very little to do with the dream state. Allthough I could imagine it to be similar to a near death experience, if it wasn't for some studies that basicaly negated this as likely.

Anyway, after you take some DMT a few times you will understand how unimportant this realy is. All that is important is that this is a key to experience something I believe to be outside of the scope of the endogenous.
DMT is formed in other organs? You just taught me something today ;)

Quite stunned...


Active Member
Meditation and yoga are the best methods for seeing the truth garunteed. A few months ago, some kid at this college was experimenting with DMT and meditation searching for enlightenment or a greater truth. People said he was never a violent person, came from a foster home, but seemed like a he was doing very well. He took DMT and beat one of his classmates to death and nearly another with a baseball bat. This is an extremely unusual case, but technically it could happen to anyone. I personally have had an enlightening experience after going though a really tramatic event. The first part of it is known as ego death, for me this is was by far and above the most excrutiating pain i've ever been through, for a while it felt like i was 1,000 times as sensitive to everything around me as normal, but after a couple months i had a completely opposite experience. It was like a release of all the suffering i had been enduring. Your body and mind become one with everything and you feel like you are some sort of spiritual being having an awkening. Most amazing thing anyone can experience, but its not a good idea through drugs. Buddhist monks spend many years before reaching nirvana, but all through the practice of meditation and yoga etc.

jack the beanstalk

Active Member
I personally have had an enlightening experience after going though a really tramatic event. The first part of it is known as ego death, for me this is was by far and above the most excrutiating pain i've ever been through, for a while it felt like i was 1,000 times as sensitive to everything around me as normal, but after a couple months i had a completely opposite experience. It was like a release of all the suffering i had been enduring. Your body and mind become one with everything and you feel like you are some sort of spiritual being having an awkening. Most amazing thing anyone can experience, but its not a good idea through drugs. Buddhist monks spend many years before reaching nirvana, but all through the practice of meditation and yoga etc.
I have had a similar experience. Ego death with a sort of regenerating soul that eventually goes volcanic in a peak of realization. When you see that pattern in full it makes the trip all worthwhile.

ThE cHeMiSt

"Dosage: Take 1 or 2 capsules 90mins prior to the desired effect with a glass of water or fruit juice. Warning: Dont exceed the recommended dose. Taking more than 2 may cause hallucinations. "

"Each 450mg capsule contains: Paullinia cupana, Argyreia nervosa (Hawaiian baby woodrose), Camellia sinensis, Panax ginseng, Piper nigrum and Caffeine."



Well-Known Member
"It was like a release of all the suffering i had been enduring."
I know THAT feeling... its like relieving a pressure you weren't even aware of before.
Sometimes that release is so strong that I would laugh and cry for a few minutes after, while I rebalance to a new equalibrium.

I just don't think I'd be coordinated enough to ever attack anyone while on DMT, that stuff gives me jelly legs, and just walking is "interesting" enough.

I think it was Terrence Mckenna who said that just as DMT can help someone find his good nature, it could let someone of bad nature make peace and accept their badness as is... which would not be a good thing.

As much as I know it is not for everyone, hell I've seen enough funny reactions to the stuff not to offer it to anyone anymore unless they seek me out. Now that I'm nuts I believe that everything is as it should be and the universe guides those people to me, I shouldn't go and play the universe. But for those who do, they never look at me through the same eyes again. A connection/bond is made that stretches to the end of time itself.


I agree with you ANC, ive had that bond with afew people, life changing id say to every1 i seen travel with it. I have smoked at tha same time with others and we have actually ben in the same world, seeing the same shadowy man running in circles smiling at us in a completly white space with no floors,walls or windows. And colors never seen turned into pyramid shaped vortex's. Nevertheless expirience's like that will change people's state of mind into something positive.


Active Member
I have had a similar experience. Ego death with a sort of regenerating soul that eventually goes volcanic in a peak of realization. When you see that pattern in full it makes the trip all worthwhile.

Yes yes, very much a mystical experience, In my opinion most will lesson there chance greatly of having such experience when trying to achieve it through LSD, DMT, shrooms, etc. Although sometime after I had my experience, I was doing mushrooms with my friend, only a small amount, amount 2.2 grams each, and about half way through he had the same enlightening experience, talked about how a veil was lifted from his face. He makes music and in his song he says: "The veil is consistant with lies and programmed minds, I didn't understand it til my man helped me lift it..."


Active Member
"Dosage: Take 1 or 2 capsules 90mins prior to the desired effect with a glass of water or fruit juice. Warning: Dont exceed the recommended dose. Taking more than 2 may cause hallucinations. "

"Each 450mg capsule contains: Paullinia cupana, Argyreia nervosa (Hawaiian baby woodrose), Camellia sinensis, Panax ginseng, Piper nigrum and Caffeine."
