

Active Member
while I was surfing the web i came across a video on youtube about DMT, Ive herd of DMT before but i found it kinda funny who was telling us about it, Joe Rogan. Ya the guy from fear factor, I geuss he's into psychedelics and stuff like that. but anyway I found what he said pretty insightful.

YouTube - Joe Rogan talks about DMT


Active Member
yeah, after hearing about that, then viewing it, i am completely down to take dmt. and what's with that isolation chamber. would you be down?


Well-Known Member
The isolation chamber forces you to interiorize your consciousness. You float in the salt water so you no longer get a sense of where you begin and where you end (no body). There is no light so you can't see, and obviously you will hear only a little. That is what meditation is all about (looking inside).

Not only would I be down to chill in an insolation chamber, I would love to break into Joe Rogan's house only for him to find me inside his. haha