All right, first and foremost... if this is illegal where you live, please do not partake in this extraction
This is the first time I have tried extracting DMT
I am using a slightly modified version of the Lazyman tek.
TEK Will Be Edited In Here (in a moment)
So this is really kind of a pictoral anyway..
Safety First:
~100g's MHRB
~50g's Sodium Hydroxide (I think the pH is ~13.92)
~1500mL H2O
~300mL Naptha
2 x HDPE Containers (milk jug in this occasion)
*The Gloves are Neoprene Latex Gloves (home depot), they are resistant to both Naptha and Sodium Hydroxide
*I am using safety glasses (I recommend this to anyone who would try an extraction like this)
*The dustmask is to keep away fumes and to pick up powdered MHRB
Starting Material, as stared ~100g's
First step, shred this shit.. used something similar to the magic bullet. I would imagine a coffee grinder would substitute fine though.
Weigh out Lye..
The picture is actually backwards; add powder to water, not water to powder.
Pretty much stir the shit out of the basified soup.
More to come..