

Well-Known Member
Grain bags, liquid culture jar, spare syringes and inoculating needles off eBay.

Large pile of compost/manure.

Time, Temperature and 99% success rate.

Only problem is mushrooms fuck with your head and make you crazy.

Look what it did to the Aztecs. Tripping motherfuckers would cut out peoples hearts and eat them.

This is your pre-columbian civilization on drugs. Crazy shit mushrooms. People think they are harmless because they are natural. They will give your ego an ass whipping soon as look at you.

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
Grain bags, liquid culture jar, spare syringes and inoculating needles off eBay.

Large pile of compost/manure.

Time, Temperature and 99% success rate.

Only problem is mushrooms fuck with your head and make you crazy.

Look what it did to the Aztecs. Tripping motherfuckers would cut out peoples hearts and eat them.

This is your pre-columbian civilization on drugs. Crazy shit mushrooms. People think they are harmless because they are natural. They will give your ego an ass whipping soon as look at you.
so your saying you feel less confidant with yourself after you do them? last thing i need


Well-Known Member
lets just say youre shown youre place in the universe...
and that makes some terrified.
after,a new light or take on things is look at life a little differently,but for the better..usually grounds crossed with most psychedelics..

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
lets just say youre shown youre place in the universe...
and that makes some terrified.
after,a new light or take on things is look at life a little differently,but for the better..usually grounds crossed with most psychedelics..
sounds amazing which annoys me that i can't get any at the the moment. what do you think of the the herb?


Well-Known Member
I don't think they make me more or less confident afterwards. Minus any stigma of being an evil drug user aside.

As a general rule, I don't recommend that anyone under about 25 do drugs. I did drugs at a younger age but I was already totally fucked up and they were unlikely to make things worse.
You do drugs when you are young and there is a possibility that you get distracted and start going to rainbow shit or something and ruin your life.

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
I don't think they make me more or less confident afterwards. Minus any stigma of being an evil drug user aside.

As a general rule, I don't recommend that anyone under about 25 do drugs. I did drugs at a younger age but I was already totally fucked up and they were unlikely to make things worse.
You do drugs when you are young and there is a possibility that you get distracted and start going to rainbow shit or something and ruin your life.
shitttt i started when i was 12 and im 20 now lol. fucked around wit pills back in the day, drank A LOT, i think i still crave morphine


Well-Known Member
Perfect example, you should be in law school right now, but no, you're doing drugs. I think it should be mandatory that every drug user obtains at least a college degree, otherwise it makes drug users look like worthless slackers.

It would be fucking hard as hell to justify keeping drugs illegal if every person that ever took them wound up getting a degree.

But WTF, people take drugs and then follow Phish around. What the fuck does that say to everyone.. shit man, those losers can't even spell right. Do drugs, spell with a P instead of F.

When you take drugs, your actions reflect on every drug user in the country, maybe world.

If you're going to do drugs, don't ruin it for the rest of us. Take your drugs, say I'm better than all you fucking straights, then prove it to them.


Well-Known Member
not defending phish,but youre dead wrong..i know this having been on tour..there are more handy sterotypes out there to get your point across..for this mentality,we could say all video gamers must get a diploma also...
ive met many very educated tour kids,alotof ivy league guys,know why they are there following a band?
cause they smart and got money.its what they want to and can do.
but i do see your point,the overwhelming majority are slackers,meaning most drug users,but it is a lifestyle choice that only you seem uncomfortable with(in a way,me also.i get pissed at my slacker friends that bail out,or cant help you move,to lazy to educate themselves on a subject ect.),that being said, i scoff at my pothead friend with mega bucks,and a giant stash,that he cant enjoy,cause hes on a plane to god knows where for a corporation.
im sure me eating a few(lol) hits of acid when i was 14 didnt reshape the world,or country,or anything,but my mind,and try to prove it constantly with facts,knowledge,and experience..i love when qloquent profanity rolls right off my tounge:-)..straight edgers judge me for a burnout,till i show them throught the magic of psychedelics just how little they know..
and YES im proud of that kervork my man!
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Well-Known Member
every strain is different. some are like taking e. some are like being on 'cid. some are paralyzing and make you smarter. others can give you pure visuals, see energy vibrations. others are more like taking a hot air balloon ride with your soul, and you steer your whole life in a different direction by the time you land..

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
every strain is different. some are like taking e. some are like being on 'cid. some are paralyzing and make you smarter. others can give you pure visuals, see energy vibrations. others are more like taking a hot air balloon ride with your soul, and you steer your whole life in a different direction by the time you land..
how about libs?


Well-Known Member
They're average give or take a bit, I'm guessing .. since I know of the strongest strains..

1. Psilocybe azurescens

2. Psilocybe Cyanescens (not even psilocybin)

3. Psilocybin Cubensis albino penis envy

4. Regular penis envy

5. Aminita mascara (red w/ wht dots)

Lot of other decent strains though! These ones are for seasoned users not so much pussy type rookies..

Golden teachers or b pluses are probably a good gatewAy.. Or Brazil's..

BHT's (or Thanons) are pretty strong.. Treasure coasts are kinda weak
(And by weak I mean no visuals off an 1/8th.. Strong being visuals off an 1/8th.. For example.. Watching a fire, out of your peripheral, flames could resemble cougars opening mouth wide etc)
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Well-Known Member
I have tried almost every one but the top two.. And the albinos (#3) paralyze you and give you epiphany after epiphany .. Just a tiny piece smaller than a beer bottle cap.. IF grown properly.. I had a dope source though. And of course teas and chocolate can prolong and intensify, as well as vitamin c..i forgot what calms it down though, ha

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
They're average give or take a bit, I'm guessing .. since I know of the strongest strains..

1. Psilocybe azurescens

2. Psilocybe Cyanescens (not even psilocybin)

3. Psilocybin Cubensis albino penis envy

4. Regular penis envy

5. Aminita mascara (red w/ wht dots)

Lot of other decent strains though! These ones are for seasoned users not so much pussy type rookies..

Golden teachers or b pluses are probably a good gatewAy.. Or Brazil's..

BHT's (or Thanons) are pretty strong.. Treasure coasts are kinda weak
(And by weak I mean no visuals off an 1/8th.. Strong being visuals off an 1/8th.. For example.. Watching a fire, out of your peripheral, flames could resemble cougars opening mouth wide etc)
i found some amantia mascara and it turns out they aint even psilocybin and is more of a deliriant and they're garbage so i threw them away. i think only libs grow besides them which sucks :( haven't even found any yet


Well-Known Member
i found some amantia mascara and it turns out they aint even psilocybin and is more of a deliriant and they're garbage so i threw them away. i think only libs grow besides them which sucks :( haven't even found any yet
Either are the top two but they will change your life.. Some ppl say the mascaras are the strongest but they're misinformed ..


Well-Known Member
They also have peak picking time some strains are very sensitive while fruiting apparently and need to be picked multiple times a nite or will start to oxidize and degrade