DNA Genetics-Cinderella 99


Well-Known Member
Are you seeing any pink on anymore than just the one plant at all? Or do you think it's a pheno only that plant is showing?


Well-Known Member
I am seeing minor pink on the others too but not as strong as the one pheno. just one or two pink hairs here and there. The one with the pink hairs is the fastest growing smellyiest and has the most THC on them. Mind you the otheres are not too far behind


Well-Known Member
I just checked thier soil and its dry so I water/fed them 3/4 strength Pureblend pro bloom at 1ounce per gallon AL also fed them Sucanat ( Organic sugarcane extract) and 1 TBL per 3gallons of orgainic Indoneisian bat guano.Plus 3/4 stength bloom stimulant. I hope they like the food. its a heavy feeding but thier due for sure. I am already seeing yellowin of the fan leavens near the bottem. I guess they are heavy eaters. I hope heavy producers aswell


Well-Known Member
photobucket... just upload them into any image based hosting website, then post the image code onto your thread :D


Active Member
Things look like they're going great, always liked stopping in on this journal because of the great job your doing and the similarities i could see with my plants. Keep up the good work and good growin to ya



Well-Known Member
lookin pretty good mattso. i had a burn problem with mine too while i was away over the holiday. these fuckers grow like a weed


Well-Known Member
Mattso its been awhile since i popped in to see how your getting on and WoW, if had more the 2 thumb theyed all be up lol, nice growing mate :)



Well-Known Member
Thank you! I will give it a try today! Sorry for the hijack Mattso!
dont worry about it man.My journal is for learning for me and you. Photobucket and all

Things look like they're going great, always liked stopping in on this journal because of the great job your doing and the similarities i could see with my plants. Keep up the good work and good growin to ya

lookin pretty good mattso. i had a burn problem with mine too while i was away over the holiday. these fuckers grow like a weed
your right they do grow like weeds! but shes doing fine already recovering with new growth on the burn patch

Mattso its been awhile since i popped in to see how your getting on and WoW, if had more the 2 thumb theyed all be up lol, nice growing mate :)

Thanks to everyone for stopping by an the kind words.

Reality check
I live in a 600 square foot aprtment with my girlfriend. I have used 9 of those vital sqare feet to grow cannibis. Trust me I could use it for other things like storage and a place to put our jackets like most normal people.

I have a really ghetto grow setup in my closet. I use 6 HO t5s wired together on a piece of ply wood. I bought a 150watt HPS from home depot that I mounted on a tower fan to move it back and forth. I vented with a cheap bathroom exhust fan. I am a novice upon novice grower, but you know what? Growing pot is easy, like really easy. With a little research good nutients and growth medium all you have to to do is water the plants and whamo you got buds.
p.s you NEED to have good genetics!


Well-Known Member
I have a really ghetto grow setup in my closet. I use 6 HO t5s wired together on a piece of ply wood. I bought a 150watt HPS from home depot that I mounted on a tower fan to move it back and forth. I vented with a cheap bathroom exhust fan. I am a novice upon novice grower, but you know what? Growing pot is easy, like really easy. With a little research good nutients and growth medium all you have to to do is water the plants and whamo you got buds.
p.s you NEED to have good genetics!

Amen. I've only seen one or two journals from people who have any sort of real trouble with their grows. It's comforting to know that rarely will the whole thing just fuck up and become ruined... but the more attention and effort you put into it, it definitely pays off.

They're only at day 26 or 27 of flowering, right? How much longer does C99 take?