DNA Genetics-Cinderella 99


Well-Known Member
Day 45

I did some rearranging today, spread things out a bit. I also started tieing down one of the tall sativa phenos. shes getting tall!



Well-Known Member
Day 46

I got all my cloning stuff. and took 30 clones from my 5 plants. Fuck I hope they root! This is my first time taking clones, I read all I could and talked to people with experince, I bought all top notch stuff so I hope it works.

Fed/watered today Full streangth Pure blend growth. and 1 tsp per gall atami bloom stimulat. I also added a 1 tbls of kelp extract to help with the stess of taking cuttings.

I also flipped the timer to 12/12 so the fun begins. T minus 50 days or so. HeHeHe. im getting excited!!



Well-Known Member
mattso i have always kept an eye on your grows and i like the way you quietly go about your work. seems like you are a chill cat with no ego, who just puts out great grows and buds without seeking out tons of attention.


Well-Known Member
mattso i have always kept an eye on your grows and i like the way you quietly go about your work. seems like you are a chill cat with no ego, who just puts out great grows and buds without seeking out tons of attention.
Thanks Masta, Theres no need for ego's on the internet. I am def a chill guy, I just want to grow some weed. I like the idea of documenting it and sharing my lerning experience with others thats it! happy growing


Well-Known Member
just figured i'd chime in and say they are looking very nice since i see you on here all the tie but we've never spoken lol..good job bro


Well-Known Member
Flower Day 4

Growing nice and big. the clones are fine aswell nice and perky! I have fed them teice since my last post. The first feeding was full streangth growth Pureblend and full streangth Atami Bcuzz bloom stimulant. The second feeding I gave them was today 3/4 growth and 1/4 streangth bloom pureblend pro. aswell as full streangth bloom stim.
