DNA Genetics Lemon Skunk Grow


Well-Known Member
DAM i love how that foliage looks dood, all sharp and jaged like that. how many weeks flowering is that strain tho??


Active Member
Here is a long awaited update ...my apologies..
I have been concerned about these stumpie like pricks that were growing ...they looked like a pecker to me...so anyway clear/white hairs are growing out of them...take a peek....


Well-Known Member
Dude..dude.. slow down man LOL you should put all that shit in one post before you get in trouble for bumping your own thread so many times.


Well-Known Member
Well usually forum etiquette is that you edit your last post rather than post again within a short period of time. So instead of puttin up 5 posts in 5 minutes you would just make 1 post. It helps reduce server load and you're not blowing up my email with instant notifications hehe. I never noticed you doing that before, figured you just got excited that your pics are coming out so nice.

Edit: I don't mean to discourage you, please don't stop putting up pics. Just do it in one post man.


Active Member
BUZZ KILL ...I'm OUT!...that is rather extreme...though...getting in trouble....hmmm
Anyway ...wasn't mad @ you.
You don't have to help me ....Your the one who asked ...what's going on with your P.C....not like I begged you...
Soap opera bitch shit, isn't my style.
....I mean good looking out but dude ...they were close ups......they are high res shots!...maybe I could size them down...or just keep doing it the way I was until they come and arrest me lmao ...and wow ...what would it take to open another account...a e-mail...lol
I think my pics were excellent ...few are better...


Well-Known Member
Ok man if it's tolerated here whatever, I don't really care, just looking out for you.

Feeling a lil sensitive tonight? You need to chill out man. You know you were a lot nicer when you wanted me to remote desktop into your PC and fix it the other night :/ Anyways this is the last time I'll try to help you out, good luck.


Well-Known Member
GIRLS GIRLS!! calm down now. valhalla, wats goin on dood?? is there an issue with ur girl?? all i read was 'yellowing' lol. its still the morning.


Active Member
I was just posting like I usually do...I mean if you look the journal over ( it's not that long)
I't's pretty much the same as I have been doing it...anyway...not sure why dude got as mad as he did...I didn't ask for help posting pics. But the guy has been real helpful in the past . I was just getting frustrated... sometimes I just need to breathe...being outta smoke didn't help and it was late.....excuses I know anyway its @ least a girl @ this point!


Well-Known Member
I was just posting like I usually do...I mean if you look the journal over ( it's not that long)
I't's pretty much the same as I have been doing it...anyway...not sure why dude got as mad as he did...I didn't ask for help posting pics. But the guy has been real helpful in the past . I was just getting frustrated... sometimes I just need to breathe...being outta smoke didn't help and it was late.....excuses I know anyway its @ least a girl @ this point!

hell yea!:blsmoke:

now pop me a clone off of it! JK dood. u probably live deep inland of the states or sumthin. im a beach dweller.