Lemon king

Well-Known Member

god its so much easier to fix problems when you know what they are!!!

now that ive fixed the misses problem (bought her a chew toy that squeaks) it should be plain sailing.

basically all the good points i had i wrote down in an e-mail tbut the tosser wouldn't accept it lol and its been a few few zoobies since then!! and mendo dopes new album

so after they were torn from there homes and left to die, the sativa dom one went into the dirt as it had the most root damage and some necrosis spots starting to form. as i stood over it i listened to my green thumb and the instinct was to stick it in the dirt and let it feed its self back to health......it has.....really really well....

internet rumour has it that depending on the methods used by the breeder, the outcome of the product if grown differently will vary.... e.g if a breeder grows in soil and never in hydro then the plants he breeds will do better in soil, and to get the same results they state on the pack you would have to grow using there methods there way.

from what little info i can find on DNA's practices and it ain't much, they grow in soil (high times interview lemon skunk)

now im not saying the above is true by any means, but as soon as my girl hit the soil she was home, her leafs are shiny, smooth and her colour is beautiful....im glad i did this.

the one in the bubbler i placed with the 35% damaged root mass at the bottom of the net pot, i cut all the dry bits of the roots then piled the stones on top. the water splashes the roots and now im seeing the growth im used to roots getting longer (noticeably longer) by the hour, and so far she is matching the soil plant in above ground growth so now we have.

sat dom in dirt

indica dom in hydro.

for some reason when ever i pop 2 lemon skunk seeds i get one very indica leaning and one sat leaning. i always prefer the indica dom as it always finishes on time or close too and it just looks better. both smokes are very lemony and the high is pretty much the same, just slightly diff look to plants and buds.

ok last but not least before the picks....

mainlining and DNA lemon skunk.

Normally i let my girls grow 1.5 - 2ft before i start chopping at them, at this stage i can pick the best branches they are all nice and thick and it only takes 24-36 hrs to bounce back from topping / pruning.

this time i followed nugs method to a T and topped them at there 3rd node while they were working on there 6th, they were about 6 inches tall. THIS is what i believe has stunted them so much, i will not be doing it this early again. i have also seen others complain of the same issue.

now obv the other issues haven't helped but from what i know and my experience this is/was the biggest problem. this doesn't mean you cant mainline DNA LS but i would wait until you have a good well established plant, to avoid stunting her.



Mainlined NUGBUCKETS way


side by side



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ok so i want my hydro girl looking like my dirt baby, as you can seed shes a much deeper shade of green and healthy looking.

the question is should i up the nutes in the hydro tub, OR do you think hydro plants just are slightly lighter green?

i have always tried to slightly under feed then over feed and all my hydro girls have been lighter green. this is only my 3rd ever plant in soil in 5+ years off growing.

as you can see from the mainline shot growth has been the same on both (leading me to think mainling is the issue).

so what do you say lads up the hydro feed?!!!


Well-Known Member
oooh side by side soil vs hydro what a bout lol ding ding....:hump: i think i'd expect the hydro to grow faster but i think the dirt will win out for effect/taste!!!!!

i personally would run both as close to the edge on nutes as you can matey and see how you go (seeing as eyein this 1)

mines taking the piss bouncing back as you know. i think nugs said it adds 10-14 days of veg due to process...

again looking great bud


Lemon king

Well-Known Member
I've always wanted to run the same strain next to each other, one in soil one hydro. Subbed, this is going to be VERY interesting.
it wasn't meant to be that way lol, im a hydro man in 5+ years growing this will be my first dirt baby, well that im taking seriously anyways.....but yea i spose it is kinda cool

(id prefer it if it was the hydro one looking better though lol)

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
just found the harvest picks from my SLH grow...on google lol well chuffed!! i got picks 2-6 lol i thought they were gone forever.....!!!!

just over 1000g with a 1000w light. nugs were rock solid!! not much lemon taste though!!!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
lemon is such a weird flavour though, you could grow panama and have a slightly peppery taste or lemon kush and it be pinesol all the way. TGS's jack the ripper has some class pheno's and is a nice up stone.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
lemon is such a weird flavour though, you could grow panama and have a slightly peppery taste or lemon kush and it be pinesol all the way. TGS's jack the ripper has some class pheno's and is a nice up stone.
I love the lemon flavours. A friend of mine crossed out a Sticky Lemon (South African clone now long gone) to Blueberry. Ended up calling it Lemon Meringue as it tasted exactly like a Lemon Meringue pie... YUM.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
nice! i really want to work with an all sativa group do like open pollination just to see the kickbacks in the genes but i'd need a shed to do it in or another place. which might actually be happening in the near future.

mixing panama with with a fruity hybrid to bring the time down.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
nice! i really want to work with an all sativa group do like open pollination just to see the kickbacks in the genes but i'd need a shed to do it in or another place. which might actually be happening in the near future.

mixing panama with with a fruity hybrid to bring the time down.
I got into that not realising what I was in for lol... Let's just say I no longer have a problem buying the seeds I want.

Lemon king

Well-Known Member

ok so the missus has finally let me back through the front door, preggers women are crazy!

As the girls came with me they haven't been under the best conditions and as a result i have had to dig deep and really put the green thumb to use. you don't realise how hard it is to keep fast growing dwc buckets healthy when they are receiving slow conditions and low light!!


Satty dom who was in dirt was out in the sun, rain and thunder storms, I have been watching her closely as i have never really grown in dirt or outside. Growth is so slow however the fact the plants do all the work in looking after themselves makes this method tempting, i don't want to say its easy work but from what i've seen if you get the dirt right from the beginning all you really have to do is sit back and watch the grass grow.

Satty Dom has had explosive root growth!
I however am running low on DNA LS beans (and they wont even send me an email back despite me investing a small fortune into them). so i decided to remove her from the dirt and back into her dwc bucket. As i have what started life as a sat dom and indica dom phenos i plan on buying some of this after this grow http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/130832761240?device=c&adtype=pla&crdt=0&ff3=1&ff11=ICEP3.0.0&ff12=67&ff13=80&ff14=54 Taking a few clones of each then turning the sat dom male, and then cross it to the indi dom so that is has been crossed with a true female.

Y-M-c-A four tops and an extra internode.


Indi dom has been kept under a 15w!! 980 lumen!! tube light from my mates fish tank on 24/7 to ensure mainly that she stays vegging now that Flowering time is approaching (no risks! lol)

Not bad for 15w!
Now they will go into a makeshift 600w hps room until i fix the damage the missus has caused to there room, this may take some time as the last few weeks have been very expensive and
being the kids hols don't help!!

They are getting two weeks veg under 18/6 i expect them to be proper size by then, i hate small plants, to easy to damage! satty dom currently has 4 tops, Indi dom has 8. the plan is to take satty to 16 tops and Indi to 32. I aim aiming for the outdoor bush look. Satty dom appears bigger as i let an internode on her then cut the tops for 4, Indi was taken back to the last node, this made new leafs quicker.

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one node less 8 tops soon to be 32!!!


i know i'm forgetting loads off shit i wanted to remember oh well until next time!

.....and Don i ain't forgot its just been double hectic!!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
just checkin in bud, glad your back in with the boss. hormones man! i'll pack the parcel in my bag n try n hit the post orifice today;)

looks like the girls have been ok without you but will do much better now your back.


Well-Known Member
I did a run of this lemon skunk from seed at 12/12 and i got just around 3 ounces of sweet lemon goodness. What a fucking strain! Some buds on the main cola i swear to you even after harvest all you could see was white, no green. A mate is currently running lemon og by dna lemon skunk x og 18 its at 6 and a tad weeks and it already looks more resinous than the lemon skunk was. A much sharper and acidic lemon smell in comparison but i can really! see the bud structure looking a lot more like lemon skunk than the og18.
Conclusion DNA you're the shit and thanks for the 3 males you put in that feminised pack, We've found one that just has to be perfect to polinate suitable mothers:fire:. It had fully developed cola and flowers at sites(with more budding sites than any of the females but by fucking miles) at just 1 and half weeks into flowering!

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member

ok so the missus has finally let me back through the front door, preggers women are crazy!

Oooooohhhhh.... Yup they'll hold you hostage as often as possible bro! My girl went so far off the rails she almost ratted out my grow. Was fucking MENTAL.

All the best mate, the ride is far from over far as that goes. Just remember: You are always wrong, and it's all your fault, default to 'apologetic' mode for self-preservation LOL... But seriously. It's a tough ride. All the best and wishing you a peaceful journey. Yes, it changes the second your kid is born, trust me. You do have great times ahead to look forward to!!!