Do 22hrs of light harm them?


What if a problem occure and a end flowering plant had 22hrs of light, 2hrs of darkness then back to normal? How much harm will it cause?



Well-Known Member
one time, it should pull trough, the most harm it can cause is get a shitload of nanners, as you said it's near end, so no seeds and porbably no potency loss.
Just make sure to get 12 hours of darkness, shouldn't have put 2 hrs after the long light. It's the darkness that counts.


i'm still in that 2 hrs of darkness.. is it better to leave them in the dark tomorow or start the lights after 12hrs and totally change the schedule?


Well-Known Member
I would just put them back on the schedule you want them on imediatly.
In the summer you may need to have the lights on at night due to heat issues.
Bottom line is just switch them to the schedule now and they will more than likley be fine.