Do Americans actually want universal healthcare?


Well-Known Member
Do most Americans want universal healthcare or is that a topic that goes straight to the socialism bin?

If you guys do want it, would it be similar to the Canadian healthcare system? Where only cosmetic surgeries are paid out of pocket. Or what would a realistic universal healthcare system look like for you?

Bernie seems like the only American that truly wants it. Thoughts?

The overwhelming majority if Democratic voters support universal healthcare, something like 88%

Even something like 50% of Republican voters support universal healthcare

The problem is Democratic and Republican politicians don't support it because their campaigns are financed by health insurance and pharmaceutical industry lobbyists who oppose universal healthcare

Democratic party sycophants would have you believe the Democratic party position officially supports universal healthcare when Bidens own official stance guarantees millions of people remain uninsured.

We don't have universal healthcare because the industries that would most be affected by enacting such a policy have paid our politicians not to support it. That's the only reason. It's universally cheaper and more effective everywhere it's been tried on Earth. It's objectively better than the way we do things by every metric.
It must be nice when you can just say shit and expect people to believe you because it sounds all edgy.

Do most Americans want universal healthcare or is that a topic that goes straight to the socialism bin?

If you guys do want it, would it be similar to the Canadian healthcare system? Where only cosmetic surgeries are paid out of pocket. Or what would a realistic universal healthcare system look like for you?

Bernie seems like the only American that truly wants it. Thoughts?

"Universal Healthcare" is wanted by everyone not brainwashed into believing the lies that the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda have been pushing since they lost total control over everything after the civil rights era.

Obamacare (ACA) was designed to cover all 100% of our citizens, and do so much more, but the Republicans used it as a boogey man to run their last decade of trolling. As soon as theRepublicans killed the portion of the bill that mandated people get insurance, a bunch of people decided to just not buy it because they think they are healthy and don't understand that them getting sick without insurance costs us all far more money when it gets serious.

The rest is explained very concisely here:

Screen Shot 2020-08-25 at 6.30.59 PM.png

Obama spent all his political capital and this cost the Democrats the ability to pass legislation for at least the next decade. Once the loopholes the Republicans created are closed up, and the rest of the population accesses the affordable health insurance, we are at universal healthcare in our nation.

Luckily Trump was unable to get his hands on this because Obama and Nancy passed it legitimately.

It took a great man to stop the total destruction of our healthcare system by Trump.

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The vast % of Americans on my FB feed are against universal healthcare. Weird part is majority of them are in shit paying jobs...Its all socialism and evil left stuff. Which is even stranger as there really isn't a left in American Politics.
The problem is

The problem is, forcing otherwise peaceful people to do things they prefer not to, is not an act which can be defended.

Rearranging the horse shit and hiring Bernie Sanders to make a beautiful sculpture out of horse shit will not change that.

Stop being a thug and advocating removal of peaceful individual choices..
The vast % of Americans on my FB feed are against universal healthcare. Weird part is majority of them are in shit paying jobs...Its all socialism and evil left stuff. Which is even stranger as there really isn't a left in American Politics.

Universal healthcare sounds good, but it isn't. The reason why is it removes an individuals choice to decide for themselves.

Failing to consider HOW something is achieved, the means used, is the plank in the eye of well intentioned people.

Universal orgasms can only be good if all of the participants involved consented, no?
Nothing removes choice like pricing it out of reach

A free market lowers prices though, so your allusion in your post is highly inaccurate. Before you can whine about the crony capitalist market, you should know that ISN'T an example of an actual free market.

When consumers have multiple service providers to chose from, prices drop. Regulations and FORCIBLY IMPOSED competitive market shrinkage cause increased prices.

Did you go the Bernie Sanders school of economics ?
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Free market doesn’t lower prices, that’s only a myth in your religion. Jesus walks on water dude.

Suddenly all weed laws are removed and the weed is freed. People are free to grow what they want, and engage in free trade in weed without government interference.

Prices will go up or go down ?

P.S. - your diploma will be sent to you in the mail

Suddenly all weed laws are removed and the weed is freed. People are free to grow what they want, and engage in free trade in weed without government interference.

Prices will go up or go down ?

P.S. - your diploma will be sent to you in the mail

View attachment 4668004
Tomatoes are free and legal to grow and their prices keep going up.

Growing is not for everyone, and everyone that does it doesn't mean they do a good enough job to not warrant HQ growers still being able to demand a premium for their product.
Rob you are a meat puppet and a leach. For real guy, get off the freaking internet because every word you type shows that you are a hypocrite. Live off the grid like you claim you want to and stop taking advantage of all the things that socialism has provided you.

If you weren't such a meat head your response would have addressed my words rather than imagined characteristics you think I might have.

I'm not opposed to literal cooperative endeavors, or even socialism (for other people) if it's limited to voluntary inclusion only.
I am opposed to forcibly including others who prefer not to be. You aren't, neither are rapists

It's not too late for you to change though.

Also all these idiots against universal health care always talk about Bernie like he is the end of all it. Idiots can't comprehend that we are not all from their little world, many countries have universal health care, like Japan where I am from.

A free market lowers prices though, so your allusion in your post is highly inaccurate. Before you can whine about the crony capitalist market, you should know that ISN'T an example of an actual free market.

When consumers have multiple service providers to chose from, prices drop. Regulations and competitive market shrinkage cause increased prices.

Did you go the Bernie Sanders school of economics ?
hey barter system retard, show me a free market healthcare system that is less expensive than universal systems

Thanks, I’ll wait here while you flail.

[camera pans to a black couple outside a store with a “no negroes allowed” sign that rob advocated for]

I don't support the idea that people should be obese. I think it's a poor choice.

I don't support the idea that a person would control their property the way some racists might. I think it's a poor choice.

I don't support forcing an unwilling person (neutral) to serve me. I don't have that right, therefore not my choice to impose.

I hope that clears up your feeble attempt at a distracting argument, bonehead.
hey barter system retard, show me a free market healthcare system that is less expensive than universal systems

Thanks, I’ll wait here while you flail.


Cost concerns? YES !!!

About how much value would it be fair to assign the free choice you would ignore? Isn't that part of the equation?

I'll smoke this fattie while you pick your nose and drool.
Tomatoes are free and legal to grow and their prices keep going up.

Growing is not for everyone, and everyone that does it doesn't mean they do a good enough job to not warrant HQ growers still being able to demand a premium for their product.

That's a side order of red herring nothing burger though.

In a free market, yes, some people will get more for a better product. That doesn't refute my premise though.
