Do Americans actually want universal healthcare?

Universal healthcare sounds good, but it isn't. The reason why is it removes an individuals choice to decide for themselves.

Failing to consider HOW something is achieved, the means used, is the plank in the eye of well intentioned people.

Universal orgasms can only be good if all of the participants involved consented, no?
Universal healthcare is good. Been good since the 1980's.
Everyones born into it. If you dont want to use it then you can also choose private healthcare. Private healthcare here is in a bit of trouble. More and more people are opting out of it or are only on the very lowest of covers for their free glasses and joggers every year.

Two of my customers had hip replacements this year. Same Dr, same hospital, same procedure.
Private health care person had to pay an access and a few hundred $ to the hospital cause he stayed an extra night. (about 2k all up) Waiting list for surgery was only a few weeks.
Other person had a 3 month waiting list. Stayed an extra night (so 2 nights extra) and doesn't pay a cent.

Private guy is so happy he has paid top cover all his life and thinks he has somehow won with all the money he has spent over the last 30 years paying into private insurance every month.
Public person thinks that private health insurance is a rip off and is so happy Australia has a 1st world health system.

Vast majority of our medications are dirt cheap to, including insulin...

But if u dont want it thats OK by me. We have it.
Ive had private Kidney stone op and a Public Kidney stone op. Got rid of my private insurance.
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A free market lowers prices though, so your allusion in your post is highly inaccurate. Before you can whine about the crony capitalist market, you should know that ISN'T an example of an actual free market.

When consumers have multiple service providers to chose from, prices drop. Regulations and FORCIBLY IMPOSED competitive market shrinkage cause increased prices.

Did you go the Bernie Sanders school of economics ?
No they dont. Most privatised things end up more expensive as they drive profits for shareholders. They also often dont spend the required money on infrastructure upgrades etc.
So you're saying that government interference has skewed things and the only thing that can fix that is a different kind of government
interference ?

I said if the weed were freed prices would drop, are you saying that isn't so? If the weed is free, how would there be government imposed costs of production then ?
Are you even trying anymore? All your really doing is saying one stupid thing and then tossing out nonsense.
Everyones born into it.

That's funny children born into slavery were usually automatically slaves too. They had no choice in the matter.

It would be better if those who wanted "universal healthcare" all got together and didn't impose it on others who didn't want it.
Are you even trying anymore? All your really doing is saying one stupid thing and then tossing out nonsense.

That's a good point.
Do you know hard it is to find funny bigfoot memes after years of gleaning the internet for them and posting most of them already?

I'm due for a makeover. What do you think ?

That's a good point.
Do you know hard it is to find funny bigfoot memes after years of gleaning the internet for them and posting most of them already?

I'm due for a makeover. What do you think ?

View attachment 4668678

Great idea in theory, Not so much in practice.

Drop everyone to the lowest possible quality care so ”everyone has the same“. Naw, rather pick and pay for the coverage I want.

Great idea in theory, Not so much in practice.

Drop everyone to the lowest possible quality care so ”everyone has the same“. Naw, rather pick and pay for the coverage I want.
You do realize that its the same doctors and same surgeons and even the same hospitals for the most part? And yu still have the option to purchase private Insurance if you wish. Which of course is cheaper than what an American would pay due to the Private health insurance companies trying desperately to get people to pay for something that is normally free? Plus any cost increases by Private health companies have to get the go ahead from the federal gov. Cant have then over charging the population right?
In fact a huge income earner for public hospitals (vast majority of Australia's Hospitals are Public and owned by the state governments) is Private Health insurance companies.