Do Americans actually want universal healthcare?

You have to have more faith. I don't know if Trump will lose this election, I will never downplay his chances after the first one, but it actually would even make the end of the Republican Party come quicker if he won. Not that he would care because he is not a republican anyway, but they are tied to him now and they are going to take the hit. I'm not worried about his supporters. And the mod here will probably censor me again for saying this, but Americans are not a populace that you have to worry about. They pretty much are push overs. I don't see them taking to the streets and overthrowing governments and demanding change in any real force. American demonstrations are like demo-lite, half the calories. Bush 2 actually stole an election! What happened? Nothing. Not enough Kyles in the country to do anything.
I think the premature snow flaking in the middle ruins a very good post.

And the animal porn might just be enough to get a mod in here to read that and take offense with the constant trolling of this forum that people like to make sock puppets to do that you minimize by saying that.
I don't pay enough attention to tell who are puppets, whack a mole is not a game I'm interested in. Personally I have never needed anybody to protect me from trolls, opinions or nonsense, but I understand that they need to make a buck and websites aren't free. I have actually spent thousands of dollars on their sponsors and used their codes though so they can't say I don't contribute. Honestly I don't understand how they make their decisions. I see some select users call people retards, pedophiles and all manner of insults and they are left alone, where others seem to get whacked for minor stuff. Maybe you are allowed to insult somebody if you use a graphic like Rob does instead of typing it out? Mystery to me.

Not sure what ur propaganda vid had to do with my comment but here u go.

No photo description available.

There is some VIRAL MISINFORMATION going around that the CDC changed the number of covid19 deaths to 6% or 9,000 from 180,000 deaths.This is not true at all.
These liars got their misleading 6% number from deaths listing covid19 as the ONLY cause. However, the majority of covid19 deaths had COMORBIDITIES, like heart disease, high blood pressure, kidney disease, asthma, etc.
So we already knew that people with underlying health conditions are more likely to die from covid19 than a person who doesn’t. Though, perfectly healthy people, including athletes have also died. Also, comorbidities doesn’t only refer to conditions the person had prior to Covid. If Covid caused stroke, pulmonary embolism, pancreatitis, myocarditis, etc, these conditions can also be listed as comorbidities.
This misinformation endangers everyone, because it lies about how dangerous covid19 is by pretending it killed 9,000 people instead of 180,000. So please call out the lie if you see it. I took this screenshot from the CDC website yesterday.
Hope ur on because this does change but right as i type this its at 100% renewable and 100% low carbon. All of 23g carbon intensity. Its even green for u.- Tasmania is the little triangle shaped island. We have so much at the moment we are selling it to the mainland as you can see.

View attachment 4670129

And yes we have Universal healthcare, you can choose to be in a Private healthcare fund if you want- God knows they chase new customers hard. Good to have a choice aint it? Arguably the cleanest air in the world and Covid free my little island is as well.
Its handy to look at what other placers do so u can adapt. Saw the other day, i think in Norway (?) that a small Community got together to finance and erect its own windmill to power the town. What a great idea, awesome community spirit and an example to other communities.

O Australians also live longer than Americans....might have something to do with being able to go to a Dr whenever you want and have access to really inexpensive medications maybe? Like you would have to agree that life expectancy would reflect on Health care?
Australians are living longer, 85.5 years for women and 81.5 years for men. However, Americans are falling behind with just 76.4 years for men and 81.4 for women.Aug 17, 2018
Look how good parts of Canada is going in that screen shot in the attachment. View attachment 4670129
All these people who are trying to convince themselves that there really aren't that many deaths are really misguided. Excess deaths are all that really count. From March to July of this year there are 200K more deaths than last year. If a person who would have otherwise gone to the hospital didn't because of fear of covid then dies of a heart attack.....that's a covid death. I really don't get what their goal is, do they not care that 200K more people died than expected? Do they not accept that the predicted numbers would have been in the millions if America had done nothing? You can fight all day long about testing and underlining health problems but could one of the non believers please tell me how you dismiss 200K excess deaths?
Not sure what ur propaganda vid had to do with my comment but here u go.

No photo description available.

There is some VIRAL MISINFORMATION going around that the CDC changed the number of covid19 deaths to 6% or 9,000 from 180,000 deaths.This is not true at all.
These liars got their misleading 6% number from deaths listing covid19 as the ONLY cause. However, the majority of covid19 deaths had COMORBIDITIES, like heart disease, high blood pressure, kidney disease, asthma, etc.
So we already knew that people with underlying health conditions are more likely to die from covid19 than a person who doesn’t. Though, perfectly healthy people, including athletes have also died. Also, comorbidities doesn’t only refer to conditions the person had prior to Covid. If Covid caused stroke, pulmonary embolism, pancreatitis, myocarditis, etc, these conditions can also be listed as comorbidities.
This misinformation endangers everyone, because it lies about how dangerous covid19 is by pretending it killed 9,000 people instead of 180,000. So please call out the lie if you see it. I took this screenshot from the CDC website yesterday.
All these people who are trying to convince themselves that there really aren't that many deaths are really misguided. Excess deaths are all that really count. From March to July of this year there are 200K more deaths than last year. If a person who would have otherwise gone to the hospital didn't because of fear of covid then dies of a heart attack.....that's a covid death. I really don't get what their goal is, do they not care that 200K more people died than expected? Do they not accept that the predicted numbers would have been in the millions if America had done nothing? You can fight all day long about testing and underlining health problems but could one of the non believers please tell me how you dismiss 200K excess deaths?

Ask Nancy Pelosi, she has the answers.

"Tse-kung asked, 'Is there one word that can serve as a principle of conduct for life?' Confucius replied, 'It is the word 'shu' -- reciprocity. Do not impose on others what you yourself do not desire.'" ~ Doctrine of the Mean 13.3
Thanks for sharing some of your porn catalogue, Bob.

You're welcome. But seriously, serious question...which you will not answer, nor will @Lucky Luke or @ DaFreak

I don’t have the right to seize other people’s property, or to burden them with my debts. I’d be willing to bet you don’t have that power, either. How, therefore, could we delegate to Congress a power we don’t have?

Note-The question above I've asked in various forms, that one was an actual quote from an article published years ago, I was not the author of that article.
Right again, Bob! How did you know I wasn’t going to answer your stupid, pointless question?

If you did, it would have exposed that behind your ideas is not consensual cooperation, instead there is a gun.

People who want to appear peaceful ,but in reality aren't don't like it when their methods are reflected back to them.

That's how I knew.
You know nothing about me but I know enough about you to not waste time answering your asinine questions.

It's not about us though. Taking your argument there is weak.

You advocate for things that you can't explain where your right to force those same ideas on other people comes from.

If you can't address that and don't think you have to, I know ALOT about you.
You're welcome. But seriously, serious question...which you will not answer, nor will @Lucky Luke or @ DaFreak

I don’t have the right to seize other people’s property, or to burden them with my debts. I’d be willing to bet you don’t have that power, either. How, therefore, could we delegate to Congress a power we don’t have?
You do have the right to seize property. If someone owes you money you can put that process into place.

With universal healthcare there is no real meaningful burden of debt. Its not like you are racking up hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt. And as i mentioned before the small levy is for the majority of people deducted from their tax return before they receive it. Whats the avg tax return a year about 3k or something and people treat that as free money anyway.
Sure maybe 1% of the population feels that paying a small amount into the pool to get allot back is not the right way to go but ive never met an Australian in real life that thinks that. Universal healthcare is not even discussed here except when we lament on the American system (which by the way is a bit of a laughing stock)

Do you agree that Universal healthcare makes for a healthier population and is fantastic value for money? Do you agree that Private and Universal can work together for a better result than one alone?
You do have the right to seize property. If someone owes you money you can put that process into place.

With universal healthcare there is no real meaningful burden of debt.

Yes your first post is correct, IF somebody has reneged on a deal they voluntarily entered into with you, absent duress, you would have a right to be restituted to the level of loss you suffered. Thanks for bringing your point up.

With universal healthcare though, which neither you or I have the right to impose on other unwilling people, you conveniently overlook the involuntary aspect and the duress.

Are you willing to admit there is an involuntary aspect and there is duress involved ?
Yes your first post is correct, IF somebody has reneged on a deal they voluntarily entered into with you, absent duress, you would have a right to be restituted to the level of loss you suffered. Thanks for bringing your point up.

With universal healthcare though, which neither you or I have the right to impose on other unwilling people, you conveniently overlook the involuntary aspect and the duress.

Are you willing to admit there is an involuntary aspect and there is duress involved ?
Not sure, maybe. Ive never met anyone who feels they shouldn't contribute and unless they feel that way then its not Involuntary. Have you ever met someone with universal healthcare that feels its involuntary and unwanted?
In what way do you mean Duress? Its not like you get a bill in the mail or two large men with baseball bats pounding on your door..

The less money you have then the better value it is.
Not sure, maybe. Ive never met anyone who feels they shouldn't contribute and unless they feel that way then its not Involuntary.

It is involuntary because it is imposed by government, whether you like it or not.

If people do not like it, and refuse to be part of it, are they left completely alone or does something happen to them ?