Do attics get hot in the summer?


Well-Known Member
Yea if your going to go for it go big or your wasting your money, fill that space up good with buds

...on second thought if you dont know attics get hot than Id suggest you not bother

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
That's a bit harsh, granted they aint cheap to run but they not that expensive. :hump:
He was talking about running it, not buying it. And yeah, you'll be looking at something silly like 4kw/h, you could be looking at like £300 a month just to power the AC, you want to be growing a shit load of cannabis to justify paying that bill :D


Be prepared to rip all of your drywall/enhancements out if you don't have an exit other than the attic pull down stairs. City code will get you on that one when you try to sell your house. I say take advantage of the winter or don't use it at all. Depending on where you live the winter can possibly be a perfect environment.

Sunny Bakes

Yeah I'm in the process of cuntrusting the grow room now with plywood. Im pulling air from my basement (68 degrees F) straight Ito the room. Them pumping the air from my air cooled hood out of the room and straight outside from the roof. Since I'm pulling 68 degrees air, the grow room should be fairly warm enough. The whole attic is staying 45 degrees F. I hope the room will stay moderately warm