Do Calyxes photosynthesize?

GrassCity Sucks

Active Member
It's a question I haven't seen really answered, and, since I was thinking about it, I figured I'd put it out for discussion.

Mind you, it might have been answered definitively, but fuck sifting 1 million posts looking for it :)

Most people will say that removing shade-leaves from developing bud-sites is a bad thing, since they're the food factories for the plant, but I've never seen the question posed as to whether or not the calyxes themselves produce sugars for the plant.

An answer to this question would mean an end to the debate: "Trimming fan-leaves from buds to allow more light in is BAD for the plant" vs "It allows greater light penetration right around the buds themselves.

So someone, anyone?

My assumption, is that although the buds themselves DO produce sugars via photosynthetic processes, they wouldn't be as productive as fan-leaves, BUT that being said, with that much extra light permeating the bud-sites, and the single bud-leaves that grow-out of them, that it may just be a fallacy that trimming leaves is bad for bud production.


Well-Known Member
They are green so I reckon they probably do but the amount of direct light they can hope to get is a small percentage of a big fat leaf so probably not as effective, I'm just speculating though as I don't know. Good question