Do conservative Republican Stoners exist?

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
Oh right, Obama is just like Dubya, except for the Keynesian economics, except for the defense cuts, except for mmj, except for the ability to deliver his own speeches, except for killing Osama, except for ending a recession Dubya ushered, except for creating jobs instead of hemorrhaging them by 700'000 per month, except for having opposed invading Iraq from the start, I'll stop here but trust me, I could go on.

As for the 3 party system, it is the reason Harper rules Canada with an iron fist against her will. It is an utter failure down here too. If Nader hadn't run, Dubya would never have been president.
... and he single handedly saved the unicorns from extinction, cleaned up all the world's pollution, ended poverty, ended war, ended all disease, solved the energy crisis, brought peace to the planet and gave everybody everything they ever wanted or needed... what a guy.


Well-Known Member
I'll stop here but trust me, I could go on.

As for the 3 party system, it is the reason Harper rules Canada with an iron fist against her will. It is an utter failure down here too. If Nader hadn't run, Dubya would never have been president.
Don't stop there, please go on. Your rants always crack me up. Tell us more about how Nader fucked this country. Tell us how everyone who votes for the best possible candidate is a fool, and how everyone should vote for the lesser of two evils. I like that one best, it's funny stuff.


Well-Known Member
Don't stop there, please go on. Your rants always crack me up. Tell us more about how Nader fucked this country. Tell us how everyone who votes for the best possible candidate is a fool, and how everyone should vote for the lesser of two evils. I like that one best, it's funny stuff.
I said enough about it, clearly you don't get it, or your retort would address it instead of goading my elaboration in irritation in hopes that you could find something humorous to fixate on. Don't give your dog too much peanut butter, maybe Mr. Neutered can find you a hooker. Make sure he doesn't find you a tranny.


Active Member
im here. first, it is dangerous today to admit you are a conservative. the libs preach "tollerance", but free speech and tollerance, is just aimed at themselves. heck, i am a liked person. i have liberal freinds. we smoke togeather. however, there are those who profess to love you. until they here you have some conservative vallues. then, they shun u, if you are lucky. others, will attack u insesantly. why? i dont know. kind of like the mid easterers, maybe. they hate americans, and that is all there is to it. even to the point of murder. so yes. a liberal can say "colorfull metaphors" on tv, or radio. the media says nothing. a conservative, gets personally attacked immediatly, BEFORE HE EVEN SAYS ANYTHING!! tolerance???? of who? communists like our current, and soon to be ex, leader? ive never seen a president, continually attack buisness, at the expence of all the jobs that are lost. he vetoes jobs. why? to make sure noone makes any evil "profits", the cornerstone of america. im over 50 years old. even had two jolts from a defibulator last week, after fishing. lol. not funny! i voted for clinton the first time. havent voted dem since. they mutated from dems into socialists. class warefare is all they preach now. hate anyone with two dimes to rub togeather. no wonder, several days ago, i went and purchased a ar-15. they want to ban this gun, well, they will have to come and get it. empty, and smokin, and surrounded by countless empty caseings! god bless america, i say. (now thats hate speech, i suppose?). at least i wont bow to other commi leaders. and not to this one we have. shame. but this change we voted for did not work out. (i voted for the american)...and will again. time for some mmj, my back is starting to hurt...peace to all who love their country! to the others, well, love her, or LEAVE her.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I'm a 100% champion of the anti-left. I'm not close to being republican, even though that's what I'm registered as. Given the choice of being a lefty Democrat, I just hope I don't choke too much on Jesus' cock.
ohh no baby, you wont choke on jesus's cock, if his priests have shown us one thing, they are backdoor men.

unless youre a boy under 12 then prepare to receive the eucharist...
ohh no baby, you wont choke on jesus's cock, if his priests have shown us one thing, they are backdoor men.

unless youre a boy under 12 then prepare to receive the eucharist...
Omg! Lmao!! That was really funny! Just the image of a priest telling a boy, "Prepare for the eucharist, boy."
Oh goodness!


Active Member
Because the government is in control of the redistribution... Duh...
He has no idea the middle class is shrinking rapidly, that the monetary policy of the Federal Reserve is redistributing wealth from the middle class to the wealthiest of wealthy or about anything else, for that matter. LOL


Well-Known Member
He has no idea the middle class is shrinking rapidly, that the monetary policy of the Federal Reserve is redistributing wealth from the middle class to the wealthiest of wealthy or about anything else, for that matter. LOL
Reaganomics did that. Giving money to the bottom 47% somehow equals welfare for the Koch bros in your mind.

Social welfare creates aggregate demand. With demand, somebody, somewhere rises to supply it. They are the middle class.

Stop watching Faux Nooz, you have been brainwashed to believe that the lower class is robbing the middle class while the rich have gotten richer at a staggering rate, as evidenced by the fact that the top 400 people hold 1/8 of the country's wealth. This has occurred while productivity has increased.


Active Member
Reaganomics did that. Giving money to the bottom 47% somehow equals welfare for the Koch bros in your mind.

Social welfare creates aggregate demand. With demand, somebody, somewhere rises to supply it. They are the middle class.

Stop watching Faux Nooz, you have been brainwashed to believe that the lower class is robbing the middle class while the rich have gotten richer at a staggering rate, as evidenced by the fact that the top 400 people hold 1/8 of the country's wealth. This has occurred while productivity has increased.
I don't watch Fox Snooze. Again, I know you can't wrap your feeble mind around this, but not all of us fit into your little left/right paradigm. This left/right bullshit has brainwashed YOU to the point that you don't know what's going on and who says what. Allow me to dumb it down for you: When the Fed creates money out of thin air, which you keynsians love to do and call it QE, it weakens MY purchasing power by flooding the market with cash. The top 1% gets richer and everybody else gets poorer. How fucking hard is it to understand that? Of course, you'll come back spouting nonsense about women's rights, or some such shit, because you ran out of your little MSNBC talking points. Fucktards are really amazing creatures.


Well-Known Member
I don't watch Fox Snooze. Again, I know you can't wrap your feeble mind around this, but not all of us fit into your little left/right paradigm. This left/right bullshit has brainwashed YOU to the point that you don't know what's going on and who says what. Allow me to dumb it down for you: When the Fed creates money out of thin air, which you keynsians love to do and call it QE, it weakens MY purchasing power by flooding the market with cash. The top 1% gets richer and everybody else gets poorer. How fucking hard is it to understand that? Of course, you'll come back spouting nonsense about women's rights, or some such shit, because you ran out of your little MSNBC talking points. Fucktards are really amazing creatures.
Left/right is a paradigm, not a false dichotomy. Is name calling all you've got? You certainly fail at arguing economics and understanding aggregate demand.

I'll dumb it down for you, trickle down economics (Reaganomics) and war caused the recession, not the left you hate so much.