do cops care about 1 plant?

nepali grizzly

Well-Known Member
Well I have this plant in a barrel and it seems to be growing really well, I have a feeling its going to grow too big and be noticeable to helicopters in the fall. I have been pruning it a lot so far (pinched 5 times)but it just keeps growing fatter and fatter. Should I leave it and let it grow or attempt to dig it out of there, or just clone all the branches? Any ideas?



Well-Known Member
One plant id doubt they would notice unless it was huge, I personnaly would clone it and get more weed lmao.
Just leave it there.


Active Member
They will absolutely not be able to see one plant. They notice patterns and heat given off by the plants is really high, like poison oak. Not nearly enough heat would be given off for them to investigate...i wouldnt worry as long as its out of view of neighbors.

nepali grizzly

Well-Known Member
thanks for all your input. I have noticed lots of helicopters fly over every year around september and am just worried i guess. One year I grew like 30 tomato plants and copters hovered and circled over about 5 times, tomatoes must put off the same heat signal eh? Well I like the tent idea, is it just a white canopy you put over so they can't see? does it affect the light quality?


Well-Known Member
Some places they'd kill 0...probably take it and smoke it..They can't see 1 like that....shit you get 20' away you can't tell unless you know what your looking for...relax, just don't tell people..If you're worried go to $ store buy cheap plastic flowers & twist tie to plant...screws up curious neighbors.
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Well-Known Member
idk but i know around were i live the cops would definetly care about 1 plant cops are the biggest dicks were i live but i dont think it will really be noticableby a helicopter


Active Member
I keep hearing this helicopter point brought up. If you don't live in Hawaii, or aren't growing several hundred plants in one location you DO NOT have to worry about helicopters.

I'd say let er grow.