do cops really think we are dumb?


Well-Known Member
one word, ................... "lawyer".

though that can easily get you arrested. "ok, you want a lawyer? we'll get you a lawyer. get in the car." damnit!! lololol


Well-Known Member
one word, ................... "lawyer".

though that can easily get you arrested. "ok, you want a lawyer? we'll get you a lawyer. get in the car." damnit!! lololol
They have just gotten irritated with me and let me go. I think it would look bad if they arrested me on no charges because I asked if I was free to go. Cops don't like me because I exercise my rights:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
yea, they had no reason to arrest you. that is complete bullshit. i'm pretty sure you can get them in alot of trouble for taking you in without telling you why


Well-Known Member
yea, they had no reason to arrest you. that is complete bullshit. i'm pretty sure you can get them in alot of trouble for taking you in without telling you why
Hate to spoil the party but NO, you really can't do anything about them doing this for no real reason. They are the law and that's that. Sure you can get a lawyer, but it's not worth the time, the money, and the exposure. Another thing, NEVER, EVER, carry anything with you that is related to growing. That was your first mistake. It's a lot better to make a few extra trips, it will cost a few extra bucks in gas, but it guarantees shit like this won't happen, and if it does, it won't be as severe. Another thing, when they let you go, that just means you left the station, not their sights... the same way they violated your rights the first time, they will do it again. They will try and follow you to find the location. Cops do think we are dumb, and a lot of us really aren't but then again, carrying the Bible and mags with you... kind of dumb. Once you're in the radar, it's hard to get out of it. They can do a lot in 72hrs... Learn from this and stay out of the radar. If you get pulled over, you literally have to kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
perhaps you shouldn't be so quick to hit "enter". take the time to check for errors. you know? is 4th grade level spelling too much for you? :mrgreen:
But, but, but I don't hit "Enter" I click submit, whole new world bud :D and I dun loik to chek fur errorz cuz dis iz how I loik to spall n sh!t, wootzors!


Well-Known Member
police can't hold you for over 24 hours for questioning, if your not under arrest.
you could have let him pull you over, and not said a damn word, handing him your license and registration. and he would have let you go right then. by law.
it's not illegal to purchase anything, or to have hightimes next to light bulbs.
that is speculation, and not upheld in the court of law. you could have been buying your grandma some lights for her indoor plant, and you just happen to read high times.. so fuckin what.

that's all there is too it.


Well-Known Member
o and i wouldn't even use the race thing, that shit is just bullshit and your gonna end up fucking yourself because of it. 94% of black people are racist against whites, like 4% of white people are racists against blacks. there is no way for you to win that today. maybe in the 60's but not today.
sorry. the election proved it. whites voted based on democrat/republican.
blacks voted based on race. it's a fact.


Well-Known Member
o and i would even use the race thing, that shit is just bullshit and your gonna end up fucking yourself because of it. 94% of black people are racist against whites, like 4% of white people are racists against blacks. there is no way for you to win that today. maybe in the 60's but not today.
sorry. the election proved it. whites voted based on democrat/republican.
blacks voted based on race. it's a fact.

You're a fucking moron. Based on your response Racism in America is dead on the white side of the fence, and is only kept alive and well by African Americans. Then you throw in your bullshit statistics and claim them to be fact? So when Jessie Jackson, Al sharpton and shirley Chilsom ran for election black folks from sea to shining sea filled the polls to vote for them?
Wrongola. They Voted for Reagan, Nixon and Kerry.Furthermore for you to say that 94% of blacks are racist, and only 4% of white people are racist is a clear indication of why racism will never die. You find it comforting to denounce your own racism, while heaping the responsibility on someone else. Oh and just because you don't say the N-word doesn't mean your thoughts and actions aren't inherently racist. Fact of the matter is...You don't know shit, and you probably will never know anything of substantial use...simply because you ignore the truth and label your shitty opinion as fact.


Well-Known Member
a staggering 98% of the black population voted for obama. Coincidence? I think not. Don't believe me? Look it up.

Who the fuck would of voted for Nixon, that is my main question. That had to be a stolen election....

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
a staggering 98% of the black population voted for obama. Coincidence? I think not. Don't believe me? Look it up.

Who the fuck would of voted for Nixon, that is my main question. That had to be a stolen election....
Blacks are going to go democrat pretty much no matter what. It's kind of their culture. The Democrat ideals go hand and hand with their identity. There's all kinds of evidence to the fact. I'm a cracker, but I had to take a diversity class over some bull shit in school.


Well-Known Member
That is true. Can't argue with that. But never can I remember it being 98%... Expecially to a guy that could give a shit less about them.

On November 28, 1987, Tawana Brawley, a 15-year-old black girl, was found smeared with feces, lying in a garbage bag, her clothing torn and burned and with various slurs and epithets written on her body in charcoal. Brawley claimed she had been assaulted and raped by six white men, some of them police officers, in the town of Wappingers Falls, New York.

Attorneys Alton H. Maddox and C. Vernon Mason joined Sharpton in support of Brawley. A grand jury was convened; after seven months of examining police and medical records, the jury determined that Brawley had fabricated her story. Sharpton, Maddox, and Mason accused the Dutchess County prosecutor, Steven Pagones, of racism and of being one of the perpetrators of the alleged abduction and rape. The three were successfully sued for slander and ordered to pay $345,000 in damages, the jury finding Sharpton liable for making seven defamatory statements about Pagones, Maddox for two, and Mason for one.[32]

I'm sure some of you remember that. And he didn't get elected?! That is obviously white people suppressing the black man. He later stated he still believed to this day that the grand jury was wrong. Why no appeal? I'm no lawyer but if he thought his client was right, why not try harder to prove it? Because he was in it for the fame. He wanted to see his name in the papers. He was an activist, right? That's exactly what he wanted.


Well-Known Member
You're a fucking moron. Based on your response Racism in America is dead on the white side of the fence, and is only kept alive and well by African Americans. Then you throw in your bullshit statistics and claim them to be fact? So when Jessie Jackson, Al sharpton and shirley Chilsom ran for election black folks from sea to shining sea filled the polls to vote for them?
Wrongola. They Voted for Reagan, Nixon and Kerry.Furthermore for you to say that 94% of blacks are racist, and only 4% of white people are racist is a clear indication of why racism will never die. You find it comforting to denounce your own racism, while heaping the responsibility on someone else. Oh and just because you don't say the N-word doesn't mean your thoughts and actions aren't inherently racist. Fact of the matter is...You don't know shit, and you probably will never know anything of substantial use...simply because you ignore the truth and label your shitty opinion as fact.
actually it was because they didn't vote at all back then, and the stats showed it this election. you can look them up.


New Member
dam this threadn serious..i strongly belief that there is rasism EVERWHERE you go in the u.s..some are more pronounced than in other reas..chikoz doint like niggerz..n we def dnt like crackerz..thast how it go!!i still got blak friendz n wite freindz..but thats just the rule..