Do cops weigh whole plant or just budz??


Well-Known Member
yep and keep in mind the number of plants matter to, and wether or noth they are budding..... they will nail you to the wall and let the lwayers work out the details.....

lets hope it never comes to this

high top

Active Member
If I get popped Im arguing:

1) Need it for medical reasons and couldnt deal with the lawlessness of the street.
2) Not even an ounce of medication/plant.

I agree, pray to God it never comes to that. I still think its a free enough country so I can have a little bud for christ sakes!


Well-Known Member
Around here, one plant, seedling to full bloom, constitutes one pound.

Off topic: There was an incident a few counties over where the law executed a search warrant at a drug house. One of the occupants rinsed an eight ball of meth down the sink drain. They cut the water or some shit and took off the s-bend. Charged him with water weight, everything they could get to test positive. Over 1200 grams.

Moral of the story: Cops can fuck you if they want to.
Secondary moral: Don't put your meth down the sink drain.


Well-Known Member
damn you fellos have some tight ass laws. Every state iv'e been in goes by plants. here its 1-3 than 4-10 than like 10-25 really shitty brake off points if you ask me.


Well-Known Member
Its not the cops, for the most part they are just trying to earn a paycheck like you and I, the real problem is the Attorneys and draconian laws. Also they love to " Sensationalize" any bust, and go to great lengths to try and show how much good they are doing by getting 500 pounds of weed off the street ( 1 plant in a really big bucket).