Do female plants need a male plant


Well-Known Member
hi im calihigh
and im high lol. can a female have seeds that will grow into baby mj plants without a male plant in preganting her with his pollen. just thought i ask



Well-Known Member
No, females need males to produce seeds. However, I have
of some hermaphrodites that can pollinate themselves.


Well-Known Member
well i got this seed from a dealer and i dont think he has any male plants.

and you know how the tongs supposed to come all the way out. my seed didnt it just showed some white and i let it soak for a week then i planted it and it grew. so sometime the tong dosnt come out?

Widow Maker

Well-Known Member
well i got this seed from a dealer and i dont think he has any male plants.

and you know how the tongs supposed to come all the way out. my seed didnt it just showed some white and i let it soak for a week then i planted it and it grew. so sometime the tong dosnt come out?

He either had males or one of his females turned hermaphrodite. If you only have females then you will not have any seeds. Period. If the mother doesnt get pollinated the it will be seedless pot. And thats what we all want. Except those lowrider guys. lol.


Well-Known Member
lol do you think i should just use dirt instead of hydrophonic?

i really like your growing thread you made its awsome.

where do you get your seeds?
ive been lookin at dr.chronic

what strain should i get?
ive been lookin at chronic, it yeilds 350-600g which is awsome. is theyre a bigger plant then that and it smells good.

srry for all the Qs

Widow Maker

Well-Known Member
Well to be honest I dont buy any seeds. I have built up a nice network of growers in all my years of growing. And we trade clones. I did how ever just recieved my seeds from writing my grow guide.

goldenseeds jackfrost cannabis seeds- marijuana seeds uk

I used to grow chronic and it was the lowest grade out of blue berry, white widow and, and, shit I cant remember. lol. Anyways It was a good high that gave me some energy and I could work on it. But I got rid of the strain cause it just wasnt what I was looking for.

Widow Maker

Well-Known Member
Sorry I missed your question.

If you can buy everything you need for the ponics then I would do that. If your thinking about half assing it and money is an issue then I would just do soil.


Active Member
No, females need males to produce seeds. However, I have
of some hermaphrodites that can pollinate themselves.
I read someone mentioned hermaphrodite plants. I have one hermo in my group. Not that he/she is being made fun of for any reason, but I'm wondering if I can pick it now before it gets a chance to impollenate my other girls, and smoke the buds it made? Do the pollen sacks in the buds make you sick or anything? Should I pick those off? I've heard they still make strong buds, it's just the pollenate issue that makes you need to get them out of there.


Well-Known Member
I read someone mentioned hermaphrodite plants. I have one hermo in my group. Not that he/she is being made fun of for any reason, but I'm wondering if I can pick it now before it gets a chance to impollenate my other girls, and smoke the buds it made? Do the pollen sacks in the buds make you sick or anything? Should I pick those off? I've heard they still make strong buds, it's just the pollenate issue that makes you need to get them out of there.
If u have Hermies near other female plants i can give u my sugestion....KILL THE HERMIE ASAP....


Active Member
Yes, got it - I have the hermie cut & hung up to dry in a remote part of the house as to not infect the other females, waiting for a response to this question: Can I cut the nice-looking buds off and smoke those? They have the nice white-orange hairs, and are actually fairly large, but they also have the pollen sacks as well, hence the hermie. So, can I still smoke those, or just ditch the hermie altogether? Seems like a waste of good bud, but I don't want to get sick or anything.


Well-Known Member
If the Hermie already has good buds u can smoke them get the seeds for a next grow and keep them in a dark cool atmosphere..just make sure u dry and cure the buds...but my guess is, if the hermie and the other females were already mature good chances are that the other females have already been polinated.

colonel cronic

Active Member
well theres a chance you cut it befor the plant rippend by the naked eye you need a magnafing glass to check the cristals. thier un ripe when thier cristal clear but really poetent when their amber and/or cloudy. that is the only way to tell if it was time to cut him down. honestly i would have made a male grow room and a female grow room its much more efficiant. for the bud of course!!!


Well-Known Member
hi im calihigh
and im high lol. can a female have seeds that will grow into baby marijuana plants without a male plant in preganting her with his pollen. just thought i ask

well, by what happened to good old videoman lately i would say the can make there own babies somehow:blsmoke: oh shit what do i know, don't we clone them too?!:mrgreen: i gone need some more of this here:joint::mrgreen:


Active Member
Odds are if it was allowed to mature,your females have already been fucked.Go sqeeze some of the false seed pods to see if their seeding.That fucking hermie might have already ruined your females.As for smoking a hermie....if its mature and had 6+ weeks then you can get a little high from a hermie still.Not all the false seed pods grew seeds so there is thc in there.But you should always get rid of any sign of a male.They are the enemy!!


Active Member
Yes dude, you can smoke the buds produced by a hermie - a hermie makes both male and female flowers - the buds produced by the female part of the plants are certainly smokeable and they will deffinately get you high. I hate to tell you though, if that hermie was in your flower room for more than 15-30 days it probably already has pollinated your females... ehhh u might get some good seeds though if thats the case.


Active Member
i am one of those few that want my male to fuck my female.. i need the seeds!!!! after i get enough seeds they will be no semen around my girls!!!


Well-Known Member
Male flowers dont produce very much THC, mostly pollen sacks. They dont make buds, It's going to be shwag, fresh shwag that might smell ok but its a quick buzz. The pollen and what not may give you a headache.