Do Feminized seeds grow strange?


Well-Known Member
Was at my buddies today and saw a bunch of seedlings. All of them looked healthy, some of them had leaves that looked like they grew into themselves or grew sideways. Or some other kind of leaf mutation.

He has them about 2 inches from CFL and some have 3-4 sets of single leaves.

He said they look like that because of the feminized seeds; I've never known them to be any different than regular seeds.

Is that the case, that feminized seeds are mutated growers?


The pics are of Sweet Island Skunk, Bubblicious and Prima Reserve OG.


Well-Known Member
That's a crock. They look like that cause they live in mud and they are drowning, and it looks like you "buddy" gave them some nutes, too young for that.


Well-Known Member
There are soil mixes specifically designed for germinating. Your buddy may want to research these. Don't think it is the feminized seeds.


Well-Known Member
Seedlings can grow strangely for a variety of reasons. Too early intro of nutes. Poorly prepared coco (seedlings do poorly in coco generally) and various other poor growing conditions.

But no feminized seedlings grow normally just like any other seedling.


Well-Known Member
Thought it was a crock!

I was trying to tell him it had to be the soil but when I looked at the bag it literally had two words "Organic/Natural" and nothing else.


Well-Known Member
Even strong organic soils can be to "hot" for seedlings. And soils with added chemical nutes are a no-no for seedlings too. Like Bugeye said...tell your Buddy to get a good starter mix.