do flames produce enough CO2?


Well-Known Member
could i make some kind of carbon dioxide system utilizing simple flames? like would some decent candles(built in a fireproof safe box) produce enough CO2 for a small area?


Well-Known Member
try, the sugar yeast and water method.....i have 2, 20oz bottles of it behind my fan and 2 around my plants.....


Well-Known Member
I found a thread on here about making CO2.
But the next time i logged on i tried to find it again but couldn"t.
So i Googled make CO2.
It gave me a link back here.
I made some for my babes.

Hope this help"s :joint:


Active Member
it really depends what you are planing to burn. really not the best idea go with one of thoes ideas. If you know someone that goes to high school or college have them ask their chemistry teacher for a reaction that he can do at home that would produce a lot of co2 and then come up with some back story so its not so odd. Just an idea.


Active Member
A simple flame would work aslong as its fuel source is a fossil fuel. All a C02 generator will do is compress liquid fossil fuels into a gas and burn them. So idea is to burn something that emits large amounts of C02 as its by product. Natural gas is supposed to have the highest C02 by product of all, second to that would be propane.




Active Member
no natural gas produces nearly no co2 or co. Methane (natural gas. or CH4 all the same thing) is not the way to go. Gases that burn clean and that are good for the enviornment ie. methane, propane, dont produce the best ammount of co2 plus who wants to pay for that its like 8 or 9 dollars a gallon where i live. Try to call a gas supply place you can buy streight co2 for really reasonable dough.


Well-Known Member
As far as I know and my understanding any thing that contains carbon will produce carbon monoxide when burned, which is what you do not want. Even though you may go this route it probably would be still be within acceptable limits, I cant justify intentionally creating a poisonous gas in my living area when there are other options. My furnace and hot water heater are already two sources for CO in my house.


Active Member
no natural gas produces nearly no co2 or co. Methane (natural gas. or CH4 all the same thing) is not the way to go. Gases that burn clean and that are good for the enviornment ie. methane, propane, dont produce the best ammount of co2 plus who wants to pay for that its like 8 or 9 dollars a gallon where i live. Try to call a gas supply place you can buy streight co2 for really reasonable dough.
It's a few years since I left school but if I recall my leaving cert chemistry then fuels like methane are the way to go because when a hydrocarbon such as methane burns fully (cleanly, like when the air hole is open on a bunsen) it only produces CO2 and water (albeit twice as much water as CO2) and no nasties. It'd fuck with your humidity though, plus there's always the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning if it all goes awry. Anyway, not so practical maybe... all this isn't exactly my field of expertise anyway and besides, I don't think any of us will be starting fires in grow areas just yet...


Active Member
I have used dry ice as my co2 source. I usually pick it up at the local market for about 5$ a pound...I throw about a quarter of it in a bowl inside my room, and let it time release. The dry ice seems to be good in my freezer for the 4 days I use really hasn't messed with my humidity or temps either. Remember dry ice is co2 in the solid state. If your local market doesn't have it, try the local welding supply shop, they sell it cheaper, as it is a by product of filling co2 tanks!
I am new to indoor feel free to flame me if this is a no has worked for me,m so i wanted to toss in my two cents.


Well-Known Member
What is the deal with people wanting to put open flames into their grow area? There are far better and safer ways. Or is it just peoples way of doing things half assed?


Well-Known Member
yup. open flame + grow room = fire burning down your shit and you being homeless. not a smart play. either use yeast, sugar and water or buy a CO2 tank with a regulator and a timer.


Well-Known Member
What is the deal with people wanting to put open flames into their grow area? There are far better and safer ways. Or is it just peoples way of doing things half assed?
half assed? like putting yeast or dry ice in your grow room. what a joke. some people even cook with open flames in there kitchen. scary:roll:


Active Member
I know a few people with only one a result of a co2 tank. You have to remember that it is a 20 or 50 pound tank, and many people don't really understand the nature of the beast...all be it these people were filling small 20 oz paint ball tanks back in the days, but is a very dangerous venture if you don't know what you are dealing with. I would suggest fresh air for the beginners. I really don't see a benefit to the risk of all of this to the newbie, personal grower.
Kee your temps and humidity low, and use proper nutes...(if you're in to that)...and you will be fine.
I don't really see a need to insert a ton of c02 unless you are a commercial grower, and even at that you should really know what you are dealing with.
my .02 cents again-ThumbCrusher


Well-Known Member
Propane torch $20. refill $2. burns propane, puts off CO2 and water vapor

First of all, this guy is obviously either nuts or stupid! I'm sorry but this has to be one of the most dangerous things I have ever seen recommended in my life. I could see a real fucked up ending here...

The guy burns his house down and then gets sent to the slammer when they find out he was growing, no thanks!

Co2 tanks actually cost a shit ton to keep full, but the CO2 generators are the most cost effective way to produce CO2... The Green Air CO2 Gen. goes for around $500, but the gas you use cost pennies per day... Granted they have to burn the gas so heat is a byproduct, but with adequate ventilation I think the generators are the best way to go...


Well-Known Member
I know a few people with only one a result of a co2 tank.
Cmon, u are saying people lose hands??? What are they doing? Hammering the tank with a fucking pick axe? I could see maybe knowing one person who had a freak accident but to know a couple of people is just bullshit!
I would love to know how you lose Just your hand when a CO2 tank blows up. Please share