Do I harvest?


Well-Known Member
you should be more worried about the mold growing in the first pic! You need the air replaced every 5 minute and fans blowing on your plants constantly. Hopefully it didn't soread to the rest of your plant...
Hold on after looking at the pics again you have mold on pics 1, 2, and 3!! That sucks man just make some hash and start over and get better ventilation!


Well-Known Member
Wow yea.. not only are your plants super lanky and crying for more light, but you got mold all over your bud it looks like.. Come on man..

Smoking moldy bud can give you a baaad lung infection..


Active Member
This is my first grow guys. Basically the dude who was the brains of the opperation walked out on me. I read the grow fags and everything. Dont honestly kno too much. How do i save my girls?


Well-Known Member
As the other poster said I'd just try to make hash out of the plant when it's ready. That mold is some killer stuff, it'll give you bad bad lung infections if you smoke it.


Active Member
it's not my whole plant thats just the top. and my other one in my avatar isnt brown an have webbing yet. I'm gonna cut her down and when your curing do you leave them in dark with air circulation?


Active Member
once again i have read the grow fag! I dont see anything about making hash. But thanks for helping me out guys and saving what i have left of my girls


Well-Known Member
One should always link to the Grow FAQ section instead of just say READ the Grow FAQ, most new people do not even know of its existence so in many ways it is beating a dead horse to not politely help them find the GROWFAQ's.

I hope that You tube video helps it is the method we use to produce hash and we love it.




Active Member
Once again just wanna say thanks to ganjagoddess, ganjababy and ghengiskhan

I cut them down last night and salvaged what i could. My ladies still smelled good and where nice and sticky so hopefully 4 months wasnt a complete waste.

As for the mold, thanks for the heads up because i posted forums on here previously and people were trying to tell me it was spider mites, which wasnt possible at this time. ALso Thanks on the hash idea. Glad my screw up wont be wasted and since making hash is very similar to the "Green Dragon" i think I'm gonna take that route next week.

Thanks again and for round two. Much will be different. For starters. Lighting.:hump:

I'll let you guys know who she smokes. bongsmilie

Thanks for the patients.

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