Do I have a problem with these plants?

I have 2 plants growing which I started on 12/02 (first grow). There are some things im slightly concerned about.

I have a 300w CFL about 7" from the top of my plants, it was closer but I moved it when the leaves started curling as i thought it may have been due to heat.

On one of the plants the leaves are curling/twisting and the other plants leaves have started to become "patchy" with light and dark green.

The pics are attached!

7.  23-02-2011.jpg9.  23-02-2011.jpg8.  23-02-2011.jpg


Active Member
It wasnt the clf causing them t curl. Are you using nutes yet? It is to soon for nutes. Leaves usually curl due to nute burn. My first grow had some curled leaves before I even used nutes thoug. In the end, if you arnt using nutes, dont worry about it, move the light lower because they are stretching.
It wasnt the clf causing them t curl. Are you using nutes yet? It is to soon for nutes. Leaves usually curl due to nute burn. My first grow had some curled leaves before I even used nutes thoug. In the end, if you arnt using nutes, dont worry about it, move the light lower because they are stretching.
Yeh thats what I thought, in my stupidness I thought id add nutes when I changed the pots the first time, "miracle-gro slow release all purpose plant food"

I know that was pretty stupid, but what do I do now?

The nutes are throughout the soil which the roots have made their way through.


Active Member
If you dont have drainage, its a little more iffy. If you do, just water with plain water and get a bunch of run off,. Use twice as much water as you have soil. If you have good tap water, it should be fine, but ph'ed reverse osmosised waters best (I use tap, but we have awesome water where I am at). This should do a nice quick fix. Otherwise, just water them normaly with plain water. Unless you super fucked it up, it should be fine. I made a similar mistake when I took clones. 1 clone was from a plant I was harvesting and the others were from vegging plants. Needless to say, the flowered one wasnt growing like theother, but I had been watering with the same watering can and not getting it fresh water. 3 days later it was almost dead. I just went straight plain water and it recovered and is now in full veg with some awesome mutant leaves (I started using a spray bottle for it since its not that big anyway and didnt want to dump water every time I wanted to water the flowered one).


Active Member
Btw, its not stupid, nt using nutes is the stupid thing. Stupid means you made a horribly and obviously inccorect assumption. It makes sense to add nutes, its how we are raised. It just isnt the right thing to do. 90% of growers f' up with nutes, not out of stupidity but because it makes sense to use more to make it work faster. So dont worry, they are touch and its not to later.


Well-Known Member
Early PH probs can cause those to twist and curl too , whats the soil they are in?Water ph? But yeah no nutes yet should have waited a couple weeks .