Do I have enough to lighting ?

I am very interested in switching to these. I have looked multiple times. My concern is that able to run off your typical house wall outlet ? 120V/15ah And if so can we do better / bigger boards.
I am no expert but I have 2 -3x QB288 V2 Boards made by Samsung with 301B LED( newest version vers V-1 561C)

They can be plugged into a 120 V regular outlet.
Can't remember AMPS so I wont guess but mine are just normal GFI 15 AMP no issues with small fan running too with 2 lights and also canfan max 8" to on same cirit no tripped breakers yet.

try LED gardener he has all the stats for AMPS on link video where boards are posted plus here below on his chatboard, guy knows his stuff, tons of info that convinced me to go that route and don't regret it one bit.

It's the future of lighting no matter what anyone tells me, they run really cool and quiet and have the highest efficiency really that is out there unless you build your own(with lots of info on how to save coin if you go that route). So glad I went with these even though pricey they will last for many years and plants grow like crazy full spectrum and just use regular sunglasses as everything is normal colour unlike those the ebay lights posted, which hey is that is your budget, I won't knock it but they won't touch these lights.
Like anything you get what you pay for.
People lie on these forums every day. If you yeilded 8 oz off of 60 watts (I'll let you count the shake for this because I'm a swell guy) then you pulled very close to 4 grams per watt. You realize that there are people on here (myself included) who have been growing for 20 plus years that have never gotten close to 4 gpw? Unless you can prove it I am 100% calling bullshit.
No one has pulled 4 grams per watt. That’s absolutely ridiculous. Maybe he’s trolling you.
Go back and read the thread dumbass I never claimed that. It was burnzyburns that said that
You could have easily said I made a mistake without calling me out of my name. I just remember two members discussing blurples. You don’t have to be all salty because your light isn’t shit.:sad: What an ass...
Alot of members on here are actually pathetic y'all get into a pissing match about everything instead of just giving helpful advice without attitude
You got good advice at the start of the thread, but because someone else uses the same lights a fed you bs you dismissed it.
Alot of members on here are actually pathetic y'all get into a pissing match about everything instead of just giving helpful advice without attitude
And here you are swearing at people like a ignorant prick we are not claiming to know everything about lighting we are simply stating the fact that low watt grows are more then possible to happen. I love the pink color and hey so do my plants !
Fucking hypocrite, I guess you swearing at me for a simple mistake makes you a SUPER PRICK. Unbelievable.
I was on this fourm a few years ago and you all acted the same way you do now. think you know everything tell everyone how to grow and what to use and everything else doesn't work. It's actually pathetic how ignorant the members of this forum are. Without the openness to change. Sorry to all the good members out there
And you clearly have issues. Are you 12 years old ? Super prick?? Lmao ok there get off these forms
It’s always entertaining to watch blurple users get upset and spaz out on everyone. Stop asking idiotic questions. Good day .. I don’t do mentally disturbed.
I am very interested in switching to these. I have looked multiple times. My concern is that able to run off your typical house wall outlet ? 120V/15ah And if so can we do better / bigger boards.

They need a driver which plugs into the wall socket like a ballast would on a HID system.
Those in the link already have a driver as its a full kit.
Alot of members on here are actually pathetic y'all get into a pissing match about everything instead of just giving helpful advice without attitude
If you want helpful advice then I would say to ditch the blurples and buy better quality, mor efficient lights. I was joking before about the boiling the roots part. I know miracle grow tomato feed grows weed but I wouldnt recommend miracle grow. If you want a better light go to or Also, for a real cheap good quality fertiliser look of MegaCrop on here in the advertising section or go to their website here for a free sample I will not debate on the efficiency of blurplelights because they are inferior to qbs or cobs and you wontchange my mind. Good luck!