DO i have gnats Help


Well-Known Member
well i just started to notice these little gnats in my house . they didnt originate from my grow nor do i see to many in there. i noticed a few in my kitchen when i left a slice of tomato on a plate in the sink...i got up close n took a look and it doesnt look like the pictures i see of fungus gnats ..... i just wanna make sure these things wont hurt my baby, and if they will i wanna eliminate them asap. my question mostly is are these likly to screw with my babies and what are they most likely


Well-Known Member
Gnats are from the Diptera family, so there are several different types of gnats besides fungus gnats. Do you see any of these gnats actually near your plants? Usually when you water a dry plant that has adult fungus gnats they will come scampering out all the pot holes and the top. I wouldn't freak out just yet unless you see them on the plants, but a soil drench of Azamax never hurts.


Well-Known Member
i havnt noticed many at all in there 1 or 2 here and there...i keep a big fan blowing on my plants at all times my closet is like a wind tunnel so its kinda hard for them to be in there. the one or 2 i have seen get swooped away


Well-Known Member
they are tiny tiny...i saw one on my window so i use the light to take a look they are little greenish flys with redish eyes


Well-Known Member
i will agree with the fruit flies.. did you buy any fruit or veggies from wallyworld?? there famous for having flies and gnats all thru there stuff. shot glass of whiskey or vinegar under a small light will catch and kill them..


Well-Known Member
they have wings my cam didnt get them well but thats the best pics i could get they are tiny tiny


Well-Known Member
...get some yellow sticky traps for inside your grow, it's the fliers who lay the eggs so every one that gets stuck to the trap won't be laying any eggs so inside 2 -3 weeks, your gnat problem will be solved.

btw, it doesn't actually sound like you have a problem at this time but if you're gonna grow ganja then gnats ARE in your future so knowing how to rid yourself of them is good to know, ...if you understand the lifecycle of most common pests then dealing with them is no big whoop, it's only if you remain ignorant that you risk real problems.

...and don't take me wrong, i'm not calling you ignorant, although being ignorant of certain facts isn't a bad thing because ignorance is correctable with a little study, stupid is forever.

peace, bozo


Well-Known Member
...get some yellow sticky traps for inside your grow, it's the fliers who lay the eggs so every one that gets stuck to the trap won't be laying any eggs so inside 2 -3 weeks, your gnat problem will be solved.

btw, it doesn't actually sound like you have a problem at this time but if you're gonna grow ganja then gnats ARE in your future so knowing how to rid yourself of them is good to know, ...if you understand the lifecycle of most common pests then dealing with them is no big whoop, it's only if you remain ignorant that you risk real problems.

...and don't take me wrong, i'm not calling you ignorant, although being ignorant of certain facts isn't a bad thing because ignorance is correctable with a little study, stupid is forever.

peace, bozo
thats just it im not being ignorant thats why im on here trying to see if its a problem so that way if it is i can get right on it , im fully aware that this can be an issue.... ive already done my research on fungus gnats .killing them with hydrogen peroxided. , play sand , yellow sticky traps , let your soil dry out, larva actual issue not so much the flying pests , larva eat roots. the whole whoha. i got that i just wanna make sure that these arnt them because they dont look like the pics ive seen


Well-Known Member
i think they are little bad pests i just did 1 tablespoon of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide and a bunch flew out of soil... im ganna get some play sand from home depot tomorrow go that route , get a few fly traps and do a few more waters with h2o2


Well-Known Member
no man, you're taking me wrong, i wasn't calling you ignorant in the way that would be insulting because we are all born ignorant of even the most basic of facts so ignorance by itself isn't something to feel badly about because knowing that you don't know is the first step that puts you on the road to knowing. man, it's militant ignorance that is loathsome, like street thugs who revel in their ignorance and treat people with contempt, that's the kind of ignorant i detest, the other kind, the lack of information kind, well that is correctable with a little education and so only bad when someone denies their ignorance, or lack of knowing.

...and really, gnat's are nothing but a nuisance unless you let an infestation go untreated, if you put traps out as soon as you start seeing flyers they will be quickly gone.


Well-Known Member
i think they are little bad pests i just did 1 tablespoon of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide and a bunch flew out of soil... im ganna get some play sand from home depot tomorrow go that route , get a few fly traps and do a few more waters with h2o2
...mosquito dunks work very well at killing gnats and are available everywhere.

[h=3][URL=""]Mosquito Dunks[/h][/url]

...if you get the dunks all you need is a small piece, each dunk donut is meant to treat a POND for mosquito's, you just toss one out into the pond every couple months during mosquito season and that takes care of the mosquito problem so just a small piece of one dunk broken off and smashed into a powdery condition that you can then either topdress your plants with or you can just add it to your waterings for a week or so.

...btw, the sand route doesn't work very well or for very long, after a while the sand sinks into the medium and so needs to be replenished, way more trouble than gnats are worth.

peace, bozo