Do I have to many salts in my soil?


Well-Known Member
So I have been running into this issue where one of my plant is showing mg def bad. I have watered it once with a 1 TBSP epsom salt/ per gal water mixture. The issue was still clearly present 3 days later with no signs of improving so I went ahead and foliar fed it with 1/2 tsp epsom salt / per quart of water and a little dish washing soap(to keep out beading). So this is 2 days later and the signs are still not improving. So I decided to go ahead with normal nute feeding and give it another does of epsom, and was going to ph my run off. So my ph remained the same from when it went in to when it came out but the ppm's were 1,000+ then what I started with. Could I have a salt build up causing lock out?


Active Member
you may still have salt build up or a Mg def.
i would use sledgehammer by Bush Doctor for a salt flush and then foliar feed some CAL-MAG by Botanicare.
should fix the problem pretty fast. some pictures would help me see whats going on.
hope this helps!

Rancho Cucamonga

Active Member
Without pics who knows?

For all I know you are mistaken about it even being a mag issue.

As for espom salts they work great and they do not cause actual "salt" issues in soil, that would be your regular nutes that do that, you just don't need to use them often or at high doses. I give my plants only 1 tsp per gallon of epsom every fourth or fifth watering/fed so about every 2 weeks or so, or if an actual mag issue shows. I use that on top of AN Cal-Mag and I use Botanicare cal-mag as a backup when I run out of AN cal-mag.

As for your ppm's IDK. I use soil so it's not much of an issue. But a 1,000 more ppm difference from your fed going in to the runoff going out sounds strange.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for not posting pictures. But it is pretty much the definition of mg def. Also have been told many of times its my mag. But here is the picture.


New Member
Thats not calcium or mag defincies IMO. Whats the Ph when you feed and water? Flush that girl, give her half strength, let her dry out then back to full strength.


Well-Known Member
The water is ph'd to 6.6 ~6.7 going in and when I collected run off it came out at 6.5. I have only fed them up to 1/3 strength.


Well-Known Member
I have some cal-mag on the way. Should I flush my next watering with pure water then feed the cal mag the next after or should I flush with a cal-mag solution on my next watering?