Do I have to replace my tent? Is it toxic? huh?


Well-Known Member
I keep seeing all these threads saying these older hydrohuts kill crops, I had bought a tent used over a year ago and it looks identical to this one:

Hydrofarm - HydroHut HHMIN Hydro Hut Mini 39" x 39" x6.5' tall

So I assume its a hydrohut but I did complete a grow in it last year and the only probs I had were bugs or nutes, I am ready to use it as my veg tent but now that I'm hearing this stuff about it being toxic I'm concerned maybe I just got lucky on my last crop and it could kill future ones?

Anyone have more details on it?

How can I tell for sure if my tent has the toxic issue?
If I got through a full grow in it should I assume it's safe?
How does the toxic stuff get into the plants and kill them?
How can I prevent it?

Thanks in advance, I never heard about tents being toxic to plants til today and I've read it in more than one thread so starting to get concered about putting the seeds im germinating in there


Active Member
I think if you had no plants die in the grow you did then it should be alright.Do the grow your planning and if the plants die you will know the tents no good.Hope it goes alright for you.Kiwi.


Well-Known Member
heres a shot near the beginning of flower from the first grow in it, they grew up next to the tent so i guess I'll take it as a good sign that my new stuff wont get killed



Active Member
as if it can be that bad thats just like when smoking used to be promoted and nows its all like dont smoke it gives u cancer
