Do I need more nutrients?


Well-Known Member
Still doesn't need much. What's your ppm? EC? What was your receipe?
Still looks good, I can see the difference from Tuesday.
Unfortunately, I don't know. When I tried to switch my TDS meter from ppm to EC it started flashing and I can't change modes now....
Honestly, my question isn't so much "does my plant look like it needs anything," as much as, because I'm using distilled water, is my nute mixture enough?


Well-Known Member
Honestly, my question isn't so much "does my plant look like it needs anything," as much as, because I'm using distilled water, is my nute mixture enough?
That’s why we need the EC. All meters measure EC and only convert it to PPM because people only understand the larger numbers.


Well-Known Member
I'm feeding my girls in flower at 1.1 EC. I don't know your nutrients but as a complete nutrient line it should contain everything the plants need.