Do I need more than fish emulsion?


Active Member
My kids are only about a month old, and so far I've only used a diluted fish emulsion for nutes. I've used fish emulsion in my gardens for years and always had positive results. Is there something I should use in addition to this during vegging and/or flowering? Any and all insight is appreciated. Cheers.


Active Member
definately, but first we have to know more about your medium and what you intend on feeding them. In the soil or in the water you give them, which do you intend on going with?
in the water - you can adjust your levels and flush if you overfeed
in the soil - makes life a little easier as they just require water but if you mix too much and your soil is too hot then your plants will suffer and you cant flush them out.


Active Member
good luck with that recipe man. I think you could get better results following something like lc's soilless mix, vic's super soil, or subcools super soil mix but to each their own I guess :)