Do i wait until ripe to flush or before PICS


Active Member
2/3 weeks to go you have loads white pistils to popping wait untill 80/90% pistils are red then flush it take a long while for cannabis to become over ripe


Try to time it so your flush is complete the same time as your plants are finishing. Ensure the plants are flushed before you pull. Its better to wait than too have sparking buds tasting like nutes. I pull when 80 percent of trichomes are amber. Youll get down your technique as you find your particular style and strains you like. Every grow is different and every grower has a different way. Your weed will be the best because it will be grown how you want, to your specs. Enjoy the fruits of your labor and give us a smoke report when they are dried and cured.


Active Member
Thank you, especially ambbannert that was exactly the answer i was looking for. I mean what ive been reading is that it depends on your preference on a stoney high with amber trichs or a cererbal high with cloudy trichs. Is a 45x micro sufficient for seeing this. I also thought that the majority of club medicine is harvested depending on the strain ex. sativas get harvest with more cloudy trichs and vice versa. thanks again, this is my only my 3rd grow and the first 2 were outdoor so i basically harvested when frost came.