Do immature buds cause insomnia?


Active Member
Hello RIU. I have a condition called schizoaffective disorder. I was wondering you know since the verdict is still out whether or not pot helps us sleep better or does pot contribute to insomnia. Well I ask because in the past when I took an early sample from my plant, I smoked it and it wouldn't let me sleep. Also in another grow due to security I had to pull my girls early like around week 5 flower. They had a good high, but I noticed my sleep wasn't quality. It was harder to fall asleep and I'd wake up in the middle of the night. Was this because of my condition or because the plants were still immature? And would letting the plants go until fully ripe prevent this effect? Thanks.



Well-Known Member
Hello LWD. Actually, the verdict is definitely IN! Marijuana CAN Help You Sleep. However, you should be looking for an indica variety of marijuana; they are lower in psychoactive THC and higher in medicinally beneficial cannabinoids like CBD. CBD is a compound known to alleviate inflammation, suppressing hunger (counteracts thc munchies), and (here it is) helps you sleep! Now; there's another edge to this weed-sword. Let's say you find yourself some Grand Daddy Purp (aka Purple Urkle); well you'll get super stoned, very relaxed, couch-locked, and it'll help you sleep - Indica. However; if you were to grow some GDP and harvest it early you'll have a different experience. Basically, the trichomes on your GDP have not had a chance to mature yet and create a high level of CBDs, additionally, the THC that is on your plant is VERY psychoactive; giving you an uplifting sativa-like high; not what you want. If you want buds that will help you SLEEP. You should wait until all or most of your trichomes have turned AMBER this means that your plants are very mature (like a almost over-ripe banana that you'd still eat) and the CBDs have had a great chance to develop - and the THC has calmed-the-fuck-down; if you give a plant a few extra weeks after all the hairs have turned brown, the THC will also begin to convert to CBN which has very similar qualities to CBD. You won't get "high" but you'll get "medicated" and fall asleep. Medical Marijuana holmes. GL


Well-Known Member
Definitely man. Don't be afraid of CBDs; they help a lot of folks (you just don't get as "high" so non-medicinal useage isn't as much fun).