Do LEDs have a benefit if heat is no issue.

An LED using around 450 true watts would blow away a 600 HID. You'd probably never run it at full power. And using a bar style you'll get far better coverage than with HID.
BUT man HID are can get them for next to nothing in your trader papers.

I kept my XXL buster and setup just in case, I need to heat the house.
BUT man HID are can get them for next to nothing in your trader papers.

I kept my XXL buster and setup just in case, I need to heat the house.
The Board and Bar white or white+ lights can be had now for under a dollar a watt which makes them economical enough for anyone to make the switch now. Look for quality components and you’re good to go. Generally, about 60 watts will replace 100 HPS watts. No bulbs.
The Board and Bar white or white+ lights can be had now for under a dollar a watt which makes them economical enough for anyone to make the switch now. Look for quality components and you’re good to go. Generally, about 60 watts will replace 100 HPS watts. No bulbs.
i run 2500 watts of boards and 1k HPS is on a shelf.
But there is no denying the ability of an HPS (USHIO ultimate reds) 2 pounds in a 4 x 4 with the right cuts...every time.

i would have to run 4k watts to get the same coverage with HPS and...its a bit much.
What do you mean by "if heat is no issue?

Anything i save with led gets lost on electricity to heat the place, i ended up buying more lights for heat as running a heater with lights on doesn't sit right with me.

If you live in warm climate i would expect led is win win+ but it's not that straightforward in colder/damp climates if you want to maintain ideal parameters, or it's not for me.

Eta... When led is dialed its superior imo.
Agree 100%
The heat comes off the back of the led rather than the front so it doesn’t warm the leaf up in the same way hps does, even cmh has more ir than my Diablo.

when you’re used to dialing in an environment with hps and you swap for leds it can be a struggle to get your vpd back on track.

but there are more and more horticulture companies using ir diodes now, and there’s tunable spectrums so u can utilise diffeeent wavelengths at different stages to trigger reactions from the plant.

Where I live it’s cold so after my last run with just led and a heater, I’m now using 660w of led and 600w of hps and only using the heater at night times.
The Board and Bar formats allow closer placement of LED lights to the canopy which makes low leaf and soil mix temps much easier to manage than did the older LED panels with lensed diodes.
They are hundreds of diodes which I believe project light at 120*, not lensed at 90* or 60*. Diodes are widely distributed on a board and provide incredible coverage where with HPS you may be a bit closer even but that is a single source so there are places that the Board or Bar lights are much closer. Been mostly HID free for 7 or maybe 8 years.