Do medical marijuana doctor tots contact your primary care physican?


Well-Known Member
I live in CA, and I'm renewing my card later this week. The doctor that I went to last year closed, and the one that I'm planning on going to says that they need the name, address, phone and fax number of my primary healthcare provider. They also said that if your bringing any prescription bottles (which I am) that they need to have the contact info of the prescribing physican on them. I don't want them to contact my primary physican just in case they have opposing views of using medicinal marijuana. Are they just keeping the contact info for their records or do medical marijuana doctors usually call your physican?


Well-Known Member
lol find another doc. I spent 3 minutes with mine. They told me to bring pills if I had them.
"so whats wrong"
"my back hurts and I cant sleep"
"oh yea marijuana has been indicated as helpful for insomnia"
"heres your script"


Well-Known Member
Don't know where you are in Cal but since you're in the program already just as a fellow patient who their physician is and make an appointment. FYI, don't let the paranoia destroy ya'. Cali has been a MMJ state for almost 20 years now. The doctors have ethics they need to follow if they are going to continue practicing. If you're still worried then go to Medical Marijuana Doctors dot com.


Well-Known Member
No they dnt contact ur doctor and if ur doctor is federally funded then they will have a proplem with mmj so.short story dnt tell ur doctor


Well-Known Member
Federally funded doctor? You can't pay for MMJ referrals with Medicare any way. Besides, there is such a thing as doctor/patient confidentiality. Legally he cannot divulge any information about you or your condition to anyone without either a warrant or your permission. If he did he could loose his license, be liable for civil right to privacy lawsuit and generally flush his life down the toilet. If you truly have an issue that is covered, just check out MMJ referrals, make an appointment and go. It's only been legal in Cali since 1996. After 17 years they know the score.


Well-Known Member
What I mean by federally isn't welfare or Medicare my buddy goes to.a federally funded doctor its on tribal land there the same as a regular doc he pay co pay etc dont know exactly what and why there federally funded but he told his.doc and they told him to go to a non federally funded doctor or quit smoking or they wouldn't help him with his medication
... Besides, there is such a thing as doctor/patient confidentiality. Legally he cannot divulge any information about you or your condition to anyone without either a warrant or your permission.
That's true - the doctor can't discuss or disclose your medical condition or information with anyone, even with your primary healthcare provider. Usually MMj doctor do not require such information ( it may be listed in the intake form but it's optional).