Do minors get off easier for cultivation?


Active Member
Random question, but I was checking out my state laws on NORML (Georgia) and they seem pretty hash. Any amount of plants is a felony. My question is do minors get off easier as they do for other laws?


Well-Known Member
As a general rule of thumb minors always get off easer

but ultimatly it's up to the DA/Judge , a good lawyer always helps

You can look into your countys jurisdiction and find out who your DA and judges will/could be and look into their reputations , as in how they handle such cases


Well-Known Member
I got a charge for cultivation when I was a minor a little after I joined this forum and got 14 months. 5 Years later I'm legal but I didn't exactly get off "easy"


Well-Known Member
Your parents can swallow the charge if you are growing in their house.
If you are willing to risk your parents and their possessions for some herb, there is not much to be said about you.