do my babies look okay?


Well-Known Member
why are they growing SO slow?! my last grow, they were like twice that size with more leafs.
but do they look okay anyways?? sorry for bad picture quality, its from my cellphone. and do
they look stretched? by the way they are only 1 week and 4 days old.



Well-Known Member
They do look pretty small, but it's hard to say why. Just a guess, but the soil looks really wet, which could be the problem.

I don't see any stretching though, so that part is fine. :)


Active Member
errrm they do look a bit on the small size
what kinda lights r u using? and what seeds r u using? bagseeds normally tend to grow a bit slower......
errrm they do look a bit on the small size
what kinda lights r u using? and what seeds r u using? bagseeds normally tend to grow a bit slower......
some plants are just "laggers" i had a couple in my last grow, after two weeks they still looked like that while my others were developing normally. I ended up plucking those laggers.

Sr. Verde

should i just chuck them and start fresh?

nah, I had/have one that started like that, real tiny, and it took FOREVER for the new leaves to grow, the second set of leaves (after the round ones) ended up being like 6.5 inches across (both together) before the second set grew, but now she's fuckin huge!