Do my roots look okay?


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
as vo jus said

400 watt mh should be 12" to 15" away if ur reflector is a open 1
Not everyone knows to post their full details of their grow.. that's why we must ask..

Regardless of standards/averages we'll help you if you're having any troubles.


Well-Known Member
For your viewing pleasure.
Mylar inside
2.5 feet long 3 feet wide 5 feet tall
2.5 ml per gallon

400cfm exhausting out a aircooled hood
80cfm intaking outside air

Temps & humidity
Temps bounce around the 70s
Humidity average 50%

400 watt mh about 8 inches up

6 inch disc airstones in all buckets

I keep my ph around 5.5-6 I need a ppm meter though

Took some pics will upload when im on my computer


Active Member
Dnt worry buddy the top of my roots are brown too , at first i was worried but when i changed the res the bottom half was bright white. So i charged it to my nutes(gh+ additives) and I add h2o2 every 3 days. Your plant my be short bcuz of how close u have the lights , thats what happen to me my 600w mh was close and she was short and bushy as soon as i raised the light up 8inches the next day she grew 2 inches. She looks good keep asking Q's and moniter what u do and how u do it and u should be fine. Good Luck!

Happy Growing..


Well-Known Member
Nothing. I dont know the exact res temp but my room temp is usually 75 and the res is always considerably cooler I'd guess it's probably like 70. Ill start using waterbortles


Well-Known Member
Dnt worry buddy the top of my roots are brown too , at first i was worried but when i changed the res the bottom half was bright white. So i charged it to my nutes(gh+ additives) and I add h2o2 every 3 days. Your plant my be short bcuz of how close u have the lights , thats what happen to me my 600w mh was close and she was short and bushy as soon as i raised the light up 8inches the next day she grew 2 inches. She looks good keep asking Q's and moniter what u do and how u do it and u should be fine. Good Luck!

Happy Growing..
Thanks man, this made me feel a bit better haha. Ill try raising the light. I've had it pretty close the entire time


Active Member
Looking good in there , u should see a difference soon as they are gonna stretch for the light. Works great for me so far with my mh and u can control it by adjusting the light height when ready. Good luck imma stay tuned.

Happy Growing!


Well-Known Member
Nothing. I dont know the exact res temp but my room temp is usually 75 and the res is always considerably cooler I'd guess it's probably like 70. Ill start using waterbortles

I can guarantee your reservoir temps are probably 80+ degrees!

Freeze several water bottles and put in the reservoir. This will bring it down to 70 degrees.


Well-Known Member
Lights being that close will.deffitnly increase res remps quite alot my temps were at about 80 befor i started adding ice. Adding the frozen bottles took them down to 70 and below and t improved my res loads i have a threas about my plants being stuntted and one of the major problems were res temps !! Get some ice in there !!


Well-Known Member
They dont feel anything close to 80 degrees. As I said I have pretty good ventilation for such a small tent.. I could have the light 5 inches away and its still only 79 degrees right under the light and that's radiant heat
it not like she's having no new growth either, the nodes are tightly packed
Will try it though

Edit- yeah its defintly not anywhere close to 80 my room temp is 73 degrees the water feels ice cold.


This plant is about 3 weeks old. Im not sure what the couple black spots are it doesnt look like slime up close it seems more like dirt or something just got on the roots.

Are you sure that there is no light leak from the top layer of your hydroton? I once took my DWC bucket and put another bucket on top with a light inside to prevent any light leaks... taped it together and peaked inside my reservoir bucket and noticed that my top layer was actually leaking light. Apparently light kills roots. Also, make sure your pump is located somewhere outside the grow box so it can pull o2 (oxygen) rather than co2 (carbon dioxide that kills roots). Also, co2 is heavier than air, so co2 will sink to the bottom of your grow cabinet, (hey look, your air pump is inside your grow cabinet located at the bottom) so your pump is sucking in co2 enriched air, pumping it into the roots, and the viscious cycle continues. Can anyone confirm? Im pretty new at this but I have a DWC set up that has been going strong for 2 weeks.