Do my


Active Member
alrite thanks made me feel better , also is it anything to be concerned about my plant has not grown since yesterday from what i can tell .. is just a stunt in its growth?


Well-Known Member
only thing i can suggest is that you line the walls with mylar or paint them white..would help tremendously


Active Member
alrite thanks made me feel better , also is it anything to be concerned about my plant has not grown since yesterday from what i can tell .. is just a stunt in its growth?
You have to just not worry so much and let it take its course. I am very impatient about stuff and this is one of the hardest things ever.


Well-Known Member
ur prbly jus chekin on it to often. try to let it go a longer time b4 u go chekin on them again. usually if u chek on them to often u wont c growth.


Active Member
only thing i can suggest is that you line the walls with mylar or paint them white..would help tremendously

yeah thanks for reminding me . I gotta go to walmart you think an emergency blanket will do and line the wall with that ?

I check it periodically but idk maybe im crazy lolol

btw this is a bagseed . whenever i get the hang of it Im going to by some bubblicious seeds bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
yes emergency blankets are prtty much the same as mylar, and bubblicious is awesome u will defintely like it


Active Member
helllo ppl i wake up this morning and im starting to worry about my plant no growth and its starting to look like this

\ /

the 2 big leaves are curling up , idk what im doing wrong , will add pics when i get home from skool



Well-Known Member
Dude. You're completely paranoid. Plant looks totally fine. Soil looks a little dry though...make sure you water them regularly.


Well-Known Member
yea ur over reacting man.go smoke a blunt and jus calm down doesnt look like anything is rong wit em


Active Member
you think so? when are the next set of leaves supposed to start growing in .. so the leaves curling up like that is totally normal?


Active Member
plants look fine but thats a little overkill on lighting for 2 seedlings that small. plus your growing inside cardboard...... might wanna change that before any of the mylar/painting tips


Active Member
I killed one of my plants by accident ... well on purpose i pulled it out cuz i thot they both were dieing .. lmao but alrite ill turn off some of the lights

how many should I keep on for 1 seedling?

so its normal for seedlings leaves to curl in the upward direction?


Just for future reference for people who have the same problem (plant looks like a Y, leaves pointing up) you should move your lights farther away. I had the same problem and just thought I was overreacting because of all the people in this thread saying it's okay. I did plenty of googling found a few others with the same problem, but no definitive answer and just figured I was worrying too much as first timers tend to do. After moving my lights they have recovered and are doing great.

Just goes to show, way too many people have no idea what they're talking about on the internet. Heck just look at the people in this very thread who say the camping blankets at Walmart are mylar.
Edit: I can't complain about people giving bad info without correcting so.. Use flat white paint, mylar, elastomeric roof coating, or panda film for your walls. Emergency blankets are made to retain heat, not light. Although they are pretty reflective they are porous and let light through. Also, unless you can keep them flat (they're really thin) you may run into hot spots just like tin foil with the curves focusing light on small spots.