Do Other Plants Have Separate Sex?


Well-Known Member
[quote="SICC";1835808]Yea the pussywillows[/quote]

i was just going there. :lol:

he said "pussywillow". i love that word. :bigjoint:


New Member
Holly has seperate male and female plants. I was going to order holly one time, but didn't because I didn't think I'd have the space to plant both of them.


Active Member
Holly has seperate male and female plants. I was going to order holly one time, but didn't because I didn't think I'd have the space to plant both of them.

The male doesn't have to be right next to it. As long as it is close enough for the bees, the female will get pollinated. Often times there will be a male in the neighborhood that will do the job.

As for other taxon, many times male trees are planted where people don't want fruit and seeds falling - above a walkway or driveway for example.


Well-Known Member
The male doesn't have to be right next to it. As long as it is close enough for the bees, the female will get pollinated. Often times there will be a male in the neighborhood that will do the job.

As for other taxon, many times male trees are planted where people don't want fruit and seeds falling - above a walkway or driveway for example.

Dude really, do we even need to go their? There isnt very much asexual shit out their.


New Member
I meant I didn't think I've have the space for 2 in my yard as a whole. I always take growth in to consideration when I plant things. I don't think the neighbors will let me plant it in their yard either. :wink:

The male doesn't have to be right next to it. As long as it is close enough for the bees, the female will get pollinated. Often times there will be a male in the neighborhood that will do the job.

As for other taxon, many times male trees are planted where people don't want fruit and seeds falling - above a walkway or driveway for example.